"Again the Unknown Mentalist makes it all known. This is a brilliant, almost intuitive, application of a great effect. It also includes options and steps to truly make it personalized. I love this." - Marc Salem
"This is a very nice pin revelation using a well known method perfectly disguised." - Luca Volpe
Pin Pricks is an underground term for PIN reveals or divinations. And
Propless Pin Pricks is just that - a set of absolutely propless methods to divine PIN numbers.
The effect from the participant's view: The performer gives his locked phone to the participant to hold. Then the performer 'telepathically' transmits the unlock PIN of his phone to the participant. Nothing is written down. The participant 'seems' to have received the thoughts of the performer. She punches in the unlock PIN code into the performer's phone and it unlocks, to her utter astonishment.
This manuscript deals with the premise and theme of the participant as mind reader. The methods are as close to self-working as possible for PIN divinations and 100% surefire and hit all the time. They are even instantly repeatable with a different outcome each time. But then, why would you want to repeat a miracle and reduce its impact? Would you vanish the Statue of Liberty day in and day out? or would you rather let it remain as a once in a lifetime experience for your audiences?
What you get :
- A method for divining a 4 digit PIN.
- A method for divining a 6 digit PIN.
- A method for divining an 8 digit PIN.
- A Bonus method for divining a 10 digit access PIN code of a bank vault.
- Another Bonus method for divining a 10 digit mobile phone number.
What these methods are not:
There are no peeks, no equivoque, no multiple outs, no one ahead. There is no math and no anagrams. There are no sleights, no preshow, no set up and no stooges or instant stooges. No nail writing or pocket writing. No dual reality and no hypnosis. There are no apps and no technology is used.
The secrets are very easy to learn. As a pleasant surprise, there is no cumbersome process as is usually the case with propless material. This is as direct as direct can get. This qualifies being called an anytime, anywhere to anyone kind of effect which you literally carry in your mind.
You can perform this in face to face situations like close up, parlor, street or in a virtual show or over a video call or even over a voice call. And to top it all this works in any language, except sign language.
In the entire history of magic or mentalism, has a 10 digit number ever been divined with 100% sure-shot accuracy and that too proplessly? Or even an 8 digit number? Just asking.
1st edition 2020, updated 2021 PDF 37 pages.
word count: 6875 which is equivalent to 27 standard pages of text