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by Al Mann


(1 review, 2 customer ratings) ★★★★★

Psycho-Mentisis by Al Mann

There is telekinesis of all kinds within these pages from coins to nails. An effect that allows the mentalist/psychic to bring dead ants back to life! Levitation effects, abnormal lifts, teleportation, creating movement with your mind! Effects included:

  • The Bends
  • Permutation Of Matter - A Solid Through A Solid Effect
  • The Spikes Of Asmodeus
  • The Frankenstein Affair
  • Imponderable Enrgy
  • The Reach Of The Mind
  • Merlin's Magic Marionettes
  • The Secret Of The Ancients
Note that this manuscript comes unbound in a package of loose sheets, the way Al Mann stored them. You can bind them anyway you like, or leave them unbound, perhaps only hole punch them and put them in a binder.

22 pages

Reviewed by Gregg Webb (confirmed purchase)
★★★★★   Date Added: Monday 29 January, 2024

Slightly bizarre. Be aware that Al Mann's manuscripts have a very low production value, and the ideas may seem to not be practical at first read, you may find some things of interest after all. There are some items that need to be made and then worked with to get the knack, such as a switching device made of a wallet with a magnet. Paper clips seem to link, and end up really linked, due to a magnetized chain of paper clips switched for paper clips that really are linked. A similar thing with safety pins. He mixes in Jerry Andrus's idea also. A similar thing with nails that bend and some that just seem to bend but are really switched with sleight-of-hand. Then there are some really odd things with bringing bugs back to life. Finally, a dancing doll that is probably workable if you get the required strange magnets...possibly at a hobby store. The real bonus is that Bob McAllister's wonderful levitation Walking On Air, which Bob used to perform everywhere and anywhere, is explained here, except for a few technical improvements and the ability to get all the parts on Canal Street which is where Bob got all his from. All the tricks read as terrible ideas, but if you can figure out what he's actually talking could revive Metal Bending and Bob McAllister's Walking On Air if you study this and read the Ads for Bob's version. Some may dislike the book and a few and far between readers may like it, or parts of it.

This product is listed under the following topics:

Magic & Mentalism / Mentalism & Spiritism / Bizarre

Magic & Mentalism / Books (printed)