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Publishing Magic Books on
by Simon J. Lea

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Publishing Magic Books on by Simon J. Lea

This ebook takes the reader through every stage of taking their original manuscript in Microsoft Word and turning it into a printed book from Each stage is illustrated and is designed to make learning how to use Lulu as quick and pain free as possible. The guide discusses the usual problems that people have using Lulu for the first time, such as uploading and converting, controlling access, assessing costs and setting revenues.

Anyone who has written a magic book they want to see in print, who has access to Microsoft Word, will be able follow this easy step-by-step guide and speed through the Lulu process in no time. is a POD (print on demand) service provider. Other similar services are available from and many other companies of various size and quality. Last time I checked Lulu had the lowest prices for soft-cover books.

1st edition 2007; 15 pages.
word count: 2975 which is equivalent to 11 standard pages of text