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Rackets are my Racket
by Audley V. Walsh

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Rackets are my Racket by Audley V. Walsh

We are proud to reintroduce this rare manuscript of Audley Walsh's gambling exposé, which also includes a number of the author's card effects that make a perfect ending to the lecture.

Contains the "meat" of his now-famous lecture, including a brief biography; how he developed and organized the lecture; gives an excellent summary on the origin and history of playing cards; plus six excellent, illustrated card effects and sleights to present:

  • The Mystic 32 Card Trick
  • Any Name Called For
  • Rubber-Fingered Charlie
  • Use My Deck!
  • Blackjack Peek
  • Three Card Monte with Paper Clip
  • The Magnetic Cards

Plus, only in this revised and enlarged edition, included are two bonus chapters on visual aids to use in your gambling (or any) lecture, and "The Gambler's Bookshelf" - a suggested listing of 18 books and manuscripts on gambling scams and cons to help inform your lecture or question-and-answer session afterward.

Present this informative lecture anywhere adults gather: civic groups, keynote speeches, corporate shows, men's lodges, public libraries, magic conventions, "brown bag" lunches ... the list is practically endless. Walsh presented this lecture before scores of audiences, including magicians, civic groups, police and sheriff departments ... and even the FBI.

A must-have ebook for collectors of rigged gambling equipment and ephemera, magicians, historians, and law enforcement.

"Good reading. A lot of excellent material and good effects." - Alvin Richard Plough

"One of our finest lectures. Kept the audience enthralled." - Don Rose

"Privileged people have delighted to hear Audley Walsh give his famous lecture. Written by one of the smartest men in the gambling sleight field. You will want this material." - Ralph Read

1st edition 1952, PDF 37 pages.
word count: 5639 which is equivalent to 22 standard pages of text
