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Remembering the Future
by Stewart James


(2 customer ratings) ★★★★★

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Remembering the Future by Stewart James

An award-winning, impromptu, self-working card miracle.

EFFECT: A borrowed deck of cards may be used. A member of the audience predicts something that two other spectators will do before they know what they will do.

Anyone in the audience calls "stop" at any time as you deal off the cards, one by one. This card is not shown but held by anyone, back to the audience, so there can be no switch. Two other persons each take a portion of the remainder of the deck, a free choice. These cards are counted. When the stopped at card is turned around, it is found that it had predicted the totals of the portions of cards without fail.

This trick definitely has a more astounding effect on spectators than this brief description might lead you to believe.

An amazing, self-working card trick, fully explained with the close-up version by Stewart James and the stage method by Francis Haxton.

Learn it quickly, no sleights or moves are necessary. An Award of Merit winner from the International Brotherhood of Magicians. Originally sold for the equivalent of $11.75 in today's money.

"REMEMBERING THE FUTURE has been getting the 'Ohs' and 'Ahs' for us the past weeks." - Bob Weil and Eddie Clever

"A new principle in card magic. Strictly impromptu. Will baffle you, even after you learn how to do it." - Harold Sterling

Magic World revised edition with two new chapters.

1st edition 1954, PDF 8 pages.
word count: 3033 which is equivalent to 12 standard pages of text
