reviewed by Paul Budd (confirmed purchase)
Rating: ★★★★★ (Date Added: Thursday 30 May, 2024)
I take reviewing very seriously -- many people don't. As such, I don't like Hot takes (writing them OR reading them); to that end, let me clarify: I have not put into practice a lot of the suggestions/guidance the author makes in this book -- but I did read it quite carefully.
From a formatting standpoint, the book is fine. One can tell (and he admits) that English is not his first language. Length-wise, it isn't 'War and Peace' or anything, but he gets down to business pretty fast on the topic at hand. He doesn't point you to some super rare, super weird piece of technology. What you are essentially getting here is a guy telling you how to use an Android tablet, some Bluetooth gear and a few other bits and baubles to handle the music for your magic show. He seems to take this book seriously and I will probably put some of his advice to use. I would really like to give this book 3.5 stars -- I would do 4 stars, but $8 is a bit high for what you are getting here.
There is some solid info here, but in May 2024, much of what is here could maybe be found on YouTube with some patient, focused searching. If you are impatient in that regard: buy this book for certain!
reviewed by Paul Budd (confirmed purchase)
Rating: ★★★★★ (Date Added: Friday 20 September, 2019)
This book is LOADED with great ideas!! Ideas for: standard change bags, repeat change bags, clear change bags......some bits I had NEVER even considered.....and I've owned a change bag for eons! For the price, this is a MUST BUY!
reviewed by Paul Budd (confirmed purchase)
Rating: ★★★★★ (Date Added: Friday 13 February, 2015)
Although little more than a pamphlet, this is an engaging little read, honestly it is!! Neat illustration and discussions on the early days of playing cards. Lots of bits about the paper, glue and other materials commonly used. I liked this one!!
reviewed by Paul Budd (confirmed purchase)
Rating: ★★★★★ (Date Added: Thursday 15 August, 2013)
An exquisite little book in every respect! I love books that take a very narrow subject area, and dive deeply into exploring that topic........books that are "fetishistic", so-to-speak. If that's your thing, you'll love this one! Great price and a quick read.
reviewed by Paul Budd (confirmed purchase)
Rating: ★★★★★ (Date Added: Monday 14 January, 2013)
A clever little book, by all accounts. Personally, though, I found it to be a bit more of a biography than a usable "How To" (in the modern sense, at least). The cost is reasonable and it's a pleasant little read. Can't exactly say I'll take many of his "tips" out onto the street tomorrow as a pitch man, but I've just always loved reading about how low-brow entertainers manage to scrape by (mostly on their wits!) The language is quaint and antiquated, but it manages to get its point across, even for a 21st century reader. long as you clearly understand what you're buying.
reviewed by Paul Budd (confirmed purchase)
Rating: ★★★★★ (Date Added: Tuesday 10 May, 2011)
A simple, nice little subtetly to use right after you've performed a pass. Very smooth, very casual. ....and, Peter Duffie is a genius (heck, everyone knows that!!)
Not a "flashy" video by any means, but you'll get what you purchased!
reviewed by Paul Budd (confirmed purchase)
Rating: ★★★★★ (Date Added: Monday 18 April, 2011)
This is an extremely clever little really is. My complaint isn't really with the count itself, but it's how so many of these Ackerman segments have been sliced up here at the Lybrary. Granted, you can buy a big ole' video here if you want to spend the $$.....but these little segments are so brief it creates a disjointed experience. Just when you start to get "into" the's over! Again, they're cheap..........and you can "buy" a whole bunch of them in tiny slices, or a big one for a pretty healthy chunk of change or just one if that's all you want.....but I just don't think I'm going to buy any video here again that runs for less than about 3 minutes in's just a mental thing, that's all.
reviewed by Paul Budd (confirmed purchase)
Rating: ★★★★★ (Date Added: Friday 11 June, 2010)
A truly DEEP book. You could peruse this book quickly....and you'd spend 4 nights doing just that! I'd been looking for some effects using double-backers and this was just what the doctor ordered!!
Loads and mounds and piles of beautiful ideas and effects in this one! A new "top shelf" title in my personal magic library.
reviewed by Paul Budd (confirmed purchase)
Rating: ★★★★★ (Date Added: Saturday 02 January, 2010)
Well, um, gee.....what can I say? Before ordering, please note that this video is only 42 seconds in please don't expect "Gone With the Wind" or anything. This is merely Allan teaching a tiny little subtlety......that's all. Now, it certainly wouldn't be right for me to release the "secret" contained within any siree.......but, suffice it to say that I bet you've accidentally made this noise while executing a double before. If you can't surmise what that noise is/how to do it, then I guess you could toss out a buck-fifty for this little item. It doesn't deserve a "bad" rating because it delivered what it promised and was shot/edited issues there. With the above noted, purchase as thou will.
reviewed by Paul Budd (confirmed purchase)
Rating: ★★★★★ (Date Added: Saturday 17 November, 2007)
Please note: if you like Vaudevillian-style patter (and I do), you'll LOVE this book!!
At only 25 pages, it's more of a pamphlet really, and please be aware: you really only get about 3 "tricks" within the book (and not much explanation of those at that).....they're common effects, well documented in magic literature (you'll probably already know them). What you get, really is the VERBATIM patter of a (roughly) 16-minute Vaudevillian magic act, clearly outlined with instructions for: A. How to set the stage before your performance B. Orchestra cues (and comedic bits of how you might interact with the orchestra conductor) C. All the "walk here - stand there" blocking notes you might ever need for this act.
I love Vaudeville and this drips with that certain "style". The cost is reasonable. Get it only to help you remember how important self-depracating asides can be when you want your audience to laugh during your act. A great investment and will be treasured addition to my magic library.