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Jiminy Cricket Count
by Allan Ackerman


(1 review, 1 customer rating) ★★★★★

MP4 (video) | by download [5.19 MByte]  
Jiminy Cricket Count by Allan Ackerman

This is a 2-4-4 count developed by Ed Marlo. You show two cards at the same time, table them and then show the remaining two cards, all while you hide two of the four cards.

runtime: 49s

Reviewed by Paul Budd (confirmed purchase)
★★★★★   Date Added: Monday 18 April, 2011

This is an extremely clever little really is. My complaint isn't really with the count itself, but it's how so many of these Ackerman segments have been sliced up here at the Lybrary. Granted, you can buy a big ole' video here if you want to spend the $$.....but these little segments are so brief it creates a disjointed experience. Just when you start to get "into" the's over! Again, they're cheap..........and you can "buy" a whole bunch of them in tiny slices, or a big one for a pretty healthy chunk of change or just one if that's all you want.....but I just don't think I'm going to buy any video here again that runs for less than about 3 minutes in's just a mental thing, that's all.

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Magic & Mentalism / Video clips (download)

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