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Scripted #13: The Dictionary Trick
by Larry Brodahl

#2 Patter, Plots & Scripts author
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Scripted #13: The Dictionary Trick by Larry Brodahl

An easy-to-make and easy to perform version of a book reading test. You can not only tell them the word they're thinking of, but you can even tell them how many characters are in the word - and it's all easy. No forcing.

One of the more difficult tasks facing magicians is coming up with scripts - of any sort. And explaining why someone is picking a word from a dictionary so that you can read their mind is - at best - difficult.

Well, the author of How To Write A Script used his methodology to write a script that successfully explains - and conceals the secret - to perform the dictionary test. He even explains the method he used to gaff the dictionary to ensure 100% success. And it takes about an hour and a pencil to do, with a total cost of less than $20.00 - including the book!

This ebook gives you every line, joke, piece of timing, setup, and nuance of the routine.

The ebook also takes you through an overview of some of the steps of scriptwriting and routine design used to create the script.

1st edition 2017, 24 pages.
word count: 3810 which is equivalent to 15 standard pages of text

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Magic & Mentalism / Patter, Plots & Scripts

Magic & Mentalism / Mentalism & Spiritism / Book Tests