This is a compilation of three lecture notes released during the 1980s by Ray Grismer: Short Notes, Magic, and Lecture. As the name suggests these are short notes on the items Grismer presented during his lecture. There is some overlap between these three notes.
- Short Notes
- About These Notes
- Queens And Fives
- Separ-Ace-Ion
- Flakie
- Hooz?
- Handy
- Swivel Cutting Aces
- Fan Spell
- Psychic Game
- Mental Stop
- Bookie
- Magic
- Fraces
- Hooz?
- Flakie
- Fan Spell
- Prep H
- Mindray 2nd
- Computer
- B_J Demo
- Hip ESP
- E-Z Foxy
- Bookie
- Values
- Lecture
- Quickwich
- Idaho Poker
- Tiger
- Timeit Or Peekit
- Stab Hints
1st edition ~1980s; PDF 18 pages.
word count: 4365 which is equivalent to 17 standard pages of text