If you already own Some Total 2.0 or if you buy it together with this one, you will get this ebook for just $4.
This routine is a blend of a card effect and a couple of simple coin moves, designing a game of choices that ends on a high note. In brief, three spectators freely select a number and a card, then they switch places, which means they will receive the number of somebody else, but their card still appears at that new number.
It can either be presented as card magic or as a mentalism effect, both close-up or on stage, depending on your performing taste or choice. Everything appears fair and square, yet you will be able to control every step of the effect resulting in a wonderful finish, which is sure to fetch a huge round of applause from the audience.
1st edition 2016, 11 pages.
word count: 2615 which is equivalent to 10 standard pages of text