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(1 review, 2 customer ratings) ★★★★★

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Skullptor by Unknown Mentalist

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A participant is asked to imagine buying a lotto (lottery) ticket. She even gets to choose a lotto number. From here on she is asked to imagine a series of special events like winning the lottery, celebrating by drinking a beverage, traveling to a holiday destination, participating in an adventure activity and finally gambling in a casino where she wins with the help of her lucky card. And to the utter amazement of the participant, without her having to say or write down anything, the performer reveals all her thoughts.

This is an absolute killer. The method is a classic beauty and a lovely combination of extraordinary elegance, elementary ease and powerful impact. It is made possible with the use of a single small gimmick which is the size of a poker size playing card which you can always carry in your wallet/pocket. Clean, direct and always hits 100% of the time.

A professionally produced, high-quality gimmick of size 3.5" x 2.5" is included which will last you many years. Also included is a high-quality, parlor version of the gimmick of size 7" x 5", which will also last you hundreds of performances. Everything you need is supplied in the package. You only have to supply yourself any ordinary pocket notepad and that too is optional depending on your performance style.

Once you hand over the gimmick to the participant, you will not touch it again. It is fully examinable before, during and after the performance. The main effect is instantly repeatable with a different outcome for a different participant. It can even be performed for multiple participants simultaneously. The MAIN ROUTINE has the following features.

  • nothing to reset
  • this does not use the swami gimmick or the unswami principle
  • no peeks, no switches, no impressions
  • no sleights, no stooges, no preshow
  • no anagrams, no math, no forces
  • and absolutely no electronics or technology
  • no tearing, no instant stooging and no dual reality
  • and nothing to memorize
This is almost like impromptu, if you have the gimmick with it can be performed anytime, anywhere to anyone. In fact, from the participant's point of view, this will appear totally propless.

The method is so easy that you can start performing 10 minutes after reading the instructions. The entire performance process takes not more than a minute but the presentation can be longer or shorter depending on your performance style, of course. This can be a reputation maker for you.

The main topic heads in the ebook are as follows.

  • Main Routine
  • Main Method
  • Alternate Method
  • Intro Paths (Wallet Card)
  • Intro Paths (Parlor Card)
  • Remote Revelation (Optional)
  • Encore Routine (Parlor Card)
  • Theme and Script Suggestions
  • Routine Extensions
"Skullptor reimagines mindreading with virtually one card. You can tell what is on someone's mind. It is direct, in fact so direct that I would add some red herrings. But it stands tall alone as is. I WILL USE IT. The Unknown Mentalist is a man of quality material" - Marc Salem

"I think it is a very good idea. These cards are essential tools to have always in the pocket to create mindblowing demonstrations anytime and anywhere!" - Luca Volpe

1st edition 2016, 31 pages.

Reviewed by Michael Lyth (confirmed purchase)
★★★★★   Date Added: Sunday 27 November, 2016

I need a quality wallet to hold/store this along with Zodiak Gods, and Pocket Minds by Unknown Mentalist 5 MIND BLOWING EFFECTS. ONE SINGLE CARD. One mans work may stimulate many a old mind but no need to start a cult with this effect just proper presentation after long dedicated practice time as deserved by all magical creations. Present at appropriate moment and wait for the response with these three cards a routine's to suit most occasions can be worked to entertain any vary responsive audience.

This product is listed under the following topics:

Magic & Mentalism / Mentalism & Spiritism

Magic & Mentalism / Physical (Non-Digital) Tricks & Gimmicks