$20(1 review, 1 customer rating) ★★★★★
A manuscript of meaningless meanderings on the subject of meaningful magic.
Above all this is fun to read. Master Payne has an engaging and fun way to write. His intention with this ebook is to impart on you the skills to be able to create a theme specific show from the knowledge of performing character driven magic. He calls it Thematic Thaumaturgy.
Master Payne teaches primarily by example. He takes an effect that he adopted for one of his themed shows and he explains how, why and what he changed. The first such example is What’s Next?, the classic spot card trick from Tenyo. In his examples Master Payne also shares his entire patter which obviously is one of the important ingredients for a good themed show.
Master Payne uses a useful set of questions to help you develop your show:
- WHO are you?
- WHAT are you doing?
- WHY are you doing it?
- WHERE will you be doing it?
- WHEN will you be doing it?
- HOW will you accomplish all of the preceding?
The last 30 odd pages are a collection of effects, more examples of how to create unique and personalized effects.
1st edition 2006; 102 pages.
word count: 34782 which is equivalent to 139 standard pages of text
Reviewed by Philemon Vanderbeck
★★★★★ Date Added: Friday 18 September, 2009Payne is one of the great thinkings of magic, and if you ever get a chance to see him perform, don't miss it!
In this set of his "lecture notes," Payne explains his personal philosophy in creating a routine that takes it far beyond the normal piece of "prop magic," and turns it into a signature piece that meshes beautifully with ones persona and style.
By taking his theories and applying them to your own material, you will elevate your performance style from being "just another birthday party magician," to becoming a true performance artist.