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by Brian T. Lees

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Sponsors by Brian T. Lees

Sponsors are one of the most powerful assets a magician can have. Sponsorship can be one of the strongest marketing activities for a business. The interactive potentials with the audience enhance the exposure, and compared to other media, they can get higher results. This ebook identifies the benefits of sponsorship, introduces ways to approach businesses and provides ideas for ongoing support. The organization wanting a show may not have the funds to hire you. If the audience appeals to your sponsor, the sponsor will pay your invoice, and you can perform for the hosting organization at no charge. This ebook will get you started with sponsors.

  • Business Advertising
  • ROI Advertising
  • Sponsorship
  • Sponsorship Potentials
  • Sponsor Approach
  • Sponsor Communications
  • Ask for the Sponsorship
  • Continued Sponsor Support
  • Wrapping it Up
1st edition 2020, PDF 24 pages.
word count: 7624 which is equivalent to 30 standard pages of text

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