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Stefan Olschewski

Stefan Olschewski

Like many other magicians, Stefan got infected by the bacillus magicus by a magic box he got from his parents when he was a child. Since then, magic has always been part of his life.

In 1993, at the age of 18, he becomes a member of the renowned Magic Circle of Germany.

When he is not performing live, Stefan works as an author and translator for the magic magazines Magie, Magische Welt and Aladin and releases his own effect creations and manuscripts to the magic market. His greatest love belongs to mental magic.


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Stefan Olschewski
Mentalitäten by Stefan Olschewski

In seinem Seminar Mentalitäten beschäftigt sich MZvD-Preisträger und ehemaliger leitender Redakteur der Fachzeitschrift Magie, Stefan Olschewski, mit dem Thema Mentalmagie.

Aber erwarten Sie nicht nur ein paar Effekte und langweilige Erklärungen. Als Theaterwissenschaftler geht es Stefan bei seinen Kreationen vor allem um die Inszinierung der Magie, um das "Theatrale".

Gespickt mit starken Effekten zum "Am-Kopf-Kratzen" erfahren Sie praktisch nebenbei eine Menge über Routinenstruktur, Dramaturgie einer Show und wertvolle Tipps aus der Praxis vom Bühnenaufbau bis zur Musikeinspielung....

Stefan Olschewski
Mentalities by Stefan Olschewski

It's all in the Head - Lecture Notes

"Genuinely fabulous!" - Ken Dyne

Get ready to step inside of Stefan Olschewski's head. In this ebook, you will find lots of content from his professional repertoire. Nothing is held back. Stefan even shares an exclusive idea that got him standing ovations when he did his lecture in Austria, something that has never happened before in the 35 years history of the respective club.

Here is what you will find inside:

  • 51 pages full of mind blowing mentalism
  • 44 photos and drawings explaining everything in great detail
  • Professional effects from Stefan's working...
Stefan Olschewski
Crazy Prediction Deluxe (German) by Stefan Olschewski

Ein einfacher, kleiner Mentaleffekt zum "Immer-dabei-haben". Verblüffend und ein kleines Bisschen anders:

Sie zeigen dem Publikum einen Umschlag mit einer Vorhersage, die ein Zuschauer an sich nimmt. Nun darf ein weiterer Zuschauer sich aus einem Päckchen mit Karten eine Karte aussuchen. Der Witz dabei: Alle Karten sind gleich, jede Karte ist z.B. eine Herz 8! Wenn der erste Zuschauer die Vorhersage aus dem Umschlag nimmt, stimmt diese mit der gewählten Karte überein, es ist ebenfalls eine Herz 8.

Der Effekt kommt aber erst, nachdem sich das Gelächter der Zuschauer gelegt hat. Sie...

Stefan Olschewski
Crazy Prediction Deluxe by Stefan Olschewski

One of the first effects by Stefan Olschewski that were released to the magic market – finally available for instant download.

An easy, small mental effect to take with you wherever you go. Entertaining and just a little bit different.

You show an envelope to the audience containing one single card as your prediction. A spectator is asked to keep the envelope. A second spectator chooses one card from a packet of ten. The funny thing is: all card faces are all the same, showing, for example, the 8 of Hearts. When the envelope is opened, the card inside also is the 8 of Hearts, of course. ...

Stefan Olschewski
EGGstremely Dangerous by Stefan Olschewski

"It's hard to find a new plot in magic or mentalism but Stefan has cracked it with his EGGstremely Dangerous routine. I can't wait to put this into an act. It will play well with all ages." - Wayne Rogers

"If you are looking to add some great comedy to your mentalism act, then look no further. This is one of the funniest mental routines I have seen. It is sure to please any audience." - Devin Knight

"Really, really nice: Entertaining, easy to do, and direct to the point! The kind of things I like!" - Luca Volpe

"Stefan keeps creating very commercial routines that pack a punch yet are easy to set up...

★★★★ $5
Stefan Olschewski
Balls (German) by Stefan Olschewski

Eine mentalmagische Methode, von der Sie nie glauben würden, dass sie funktioniert – es sei denn Sie haben die „Eier dazu in der Hose“!

Was also ist Balls?

Im Grunde handelt es sich dabei um eine No-Budget Variante des berühmten Master Prediction Systems, das alle unheimlich toll finden, sich aber die wenigsten leisten können:

Ein versiegelter Pappkarton steht in voller Sicht auf der Bühne oder hängt an einem Ständer – er kann auch zu Beginn einem Zuschauer übergeben werden, der darauf aufpasst. Zufällig ausgewählte Zuschauer nennen völlig beliebige Dinge: Daten, den...

★★★★ $5
Stefan Olschewski
Balls by Stefan Olschewski

A method in mentalism so bold you will never believe it works – unless you have the balls!

So what is Balls?

Basically it is a no-budget version of the famous Master Prediction System, that everybody loves but only the pros are able to afford:

A sealed cardboard box is seen standing in full view or hanging from a stand – it can also be given to an audience member at the beginning of the show. Random people call out random things: dates, the amount of money in their pocket, holiday destinations – whatever you (or they) like.

The box is retrieved and opened by a spectator. Inside...

★★★★★ $20
Stefan Olschewski
Mes(s)merize by Stefan Olschewski

"Brilliant and clever indeed. Shades of Clearly Predictable and Casino Royale. I'm sure many of us old-timers have incorporated various facets of this gem in our work, but this gentleman has forged a total masterpiece. If I were still in the saddle I would put this puppy to work. It could be used as an opener, however it's a little long winded. As a closer I think it would truly be a standing ovation masterwork of mentalism. I'll keep it close to the vest." - Larry Becker

This is much more than just a mental effect. Mes(s)merize by Stefan Olschewski is a brand-new application of an ingenious principle...

★★★★ $25
Stefan Olschewski
Lost Luggage by Stefan Olschewski

Imagine you are booked to do a 30 minute mentalism show and all your luggage gets lost on the plane. It is Sunday and all shops are closed. What would you do without your props, without special wallets, magnets, glue, scissors, thumb tips or nail writers – literally without anything?

"Wow, what inspired thinking. One is tempted to deliberately lose his luggage just to give these routines a spin. Highly recommended!" - Ben Harris

Necessity is the mother of invention. Stefan once had to cope with such a situation and this is what he came up with. A complete act of high impact mentalism that...

★★★★★ $10
Stefan Olschewski
The Count's Count by Stefan Olschewski

Do you have the perfect brain? Now you do!

Just take out a deck of cards and a pen. Let them shuffle the cards. Then have them call out random digits and proceed to write them on the backs of the cards until you have marked about 30 or 40 cards (or even the whole deck). Fan the cards in front of you for only 5-10 seconds to remember the sequence. Hand the cards to the spectator who called out the final number. You are ready to go:

At lightning speed, and blindfolded, you run through the numbers on the backs of the cards in the exact order they have been called out! Each time you are right,...

★★★★ $5.99
Stefan Olschewski
Weight a Second by Stefan Olschewski

A spectator is asked to freely cut a shuffled deck of playing cards and hide the cut-off portion in his pocket, while the magician is standing far from the table with his head turned away.

The spectator puts the remaining cards back into the case and hands it to the magician. Without even looking at it, the magician weighs the card case in his hands. He is immediately able to tell the spectator the exact number of cards that are in the spectator’s pocket.

  • Can even be done blindfolded
  • The case is not gimmicked
  • No force of any kind
  • No stooges
  • No questions
  • No fishing
  • No calculating...
Stefan Olschewski
What's in a Name? by Stefan Olschewski

A spectator (freely!) selects a playing card as her lucky card and is also asked for the initials of her first love (no force!). The initials are written on a piece of paper and the lucky card is signed by the lady. The paper is placed onto the card and suddenly bursts into flames. When the lady turns over her lucky card, she finds that the initials of her first love have appeared on the back of her lucky card!

This effect always creates an emotional impact and will be remembered for a long time. The card with the initials may immediately and without any switches be given out as a souvenir...

★★★★★ $5
Stefan Olschewski
Pretty Attractive: a sandwich effect by Stefan Olschewski

This is a dual language ebook (English/German)

"Of all the dozens of downloads I've purchased, this is among the two or three that have not disappointed. A bargain at twice the price." - Miky


The Effect: A spectator freely selects a playing card and loses it in the deck. You then show two "magnet cards" and place them on top of the deck. Without any moves, a card is suddenly sandwiched between the magnets. It is not the selection, but suddenly changes into the freely selected card. A real magicians' fooler!

  • No difficult sleights
  • No add on moves
  • No card controls
  • Spectator...
★★★★ $10
Stefan Olschewski
The Key to Your Card by Stefan Olschewski

Oh no! Not another ACAAN version! But wait – maybe this one is a version you will use.

Stefan Olschewski took the old premise and turned it into a 5 minute performance piece that plays great in any setting, from close up to stage. And it will fool even magicians.

A chest is seen resting on a table center stage. You hand a key to a lady in the audience. Two spectators select a playing card and a number from 1 to 52 in the fairest manner. They may even change their minds as often as they wish.

Card and number are written on a sketchpad for everyone to see. The lady takes the key and...

Displaying 1 to 14 (of 14 products)