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Still More Exclusive Tricks
by Samuel Berland


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Still More Exclusive Tricks by Samuel Berland

Continuing with even more pro-quality close-up and platform effects, here's a worthy second volume of Berland's exclusive magic. Long out of print, this collection includes several miracles that Berland sold separately through magic dealers the world over.

Partial contents:

  • A Blockbuster Opening - A very colorful and surprising "Opening Trick" that can be performed under any conditions.
  • Routine for the Coin Through Borrowed Handkerchief - A handkerchief is apparently cut and restored. Also included is a variation of the trick in which a leaking fountain pen adds a hilarious comedy situation.
  • Marked Card in Purse - An amazing close-up effect, being performed by many prominent magicians.
  • Jumbo Stabbed Card - The most practical method yet devised for this very effective trick. Of course, ordinary size cards will work equally well.
  • Magnetic Cup and Ball - Make your own Chop Cup for this popular effect.
  • Impromptu Vanish of a Shot of Whiskey - And no, you don't just drink it!
  • Appearing Glass of Whiskey in Hat - With a novelty routine.
  • The Bill in Lemon Trick - A very "direct" method that makes this trick really sensational.
  • Cutting A Borrowed Bill in Half - A vest pocket version of "cutting a woman in half" which is very effective, including the separation of the halves. Devious method.
  • Improved Torn and Restored Signed Card - A free selection of a card, signed by a spectator and torn into pieces, is restored.
  • Haunted Cigarette Pack - A novelty effect in which a silk and cigarettes transpose themselves.
  • Thimble Jumbo - A manipulative novelty that can be done anywhere.
  • Ultra Prediction - An unbelievable effect, very convincing. Just add showmanship.
  • Malini Outdone - A simplified version of a trick made famous by Malini.
"Sam Berland is one of our most original magicians when it comes to originating real magic." - Max Holden

"Berland has always marketed effects that can and will be used." - Walter B. Gibson

"An advanced thinker of things magical." - George Troseth

"Ultra Prediction is a good audience stunt. 100% sure; you can't lose." - Sid Lorraine

1st edition 1943, PDF 55 pages.
word count: 11172 which is equivalent to 44 standard pages of text