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S/Which Hand
by Matthew Benjamin


(3 reviews, 3 customer ratings) ★★★★

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S/Which Hand by Matthew Benjamin

The performer hands a coin to one of two participants who have been randomly selected from an audience. The performer explains that in a moment they shall all play a game of truth or lies. The performer turns around so they are facing away from the participants. They then ask the participants to switch the coin between themselves multiple times and when finished to finally hide it in one of their hands so that the performer does not know who has possession of the coin or which hand it is in.

Turning back around to face the participants, the performer explains that they will ask one question to each of them. Both will be asked the same question and the participants can choose to either lie or tell the truth to it. It does not matter if they both lie, both tell the truth or chose to give completely different answers.

The performer explains that if anyone does choose to lie, they should be aware that liars often hesitate before answering. Therefore the performer states that they will tell the participants what the question is before they actually ask it to give each participant time to think about their answer.

The question is, "Do you have the coin?"

After giving the participants ample time to contemplate their answer, the performer requests for the participants to bring both their hands out in front of them and then asks each participant, "Do you have the coin?"

Upon hearing each answer the performer instantly announces who is either lying or telling the truth and points out the hand hiding the coin with 100% accuracy every single time.

  • No logic puzzles
  • Use any small object
  • No instant stooging
  • No electronics
  • No unusual questions
  • One participant version
  • Works 100% of the time

1st edition 2023, PDF 4 pages.
word count: 1489 which is equivalent to 5 standard pages of text

Reviewed by Dave Arch (confirmed purchase)
★★★★   Date Added: Wednesday 23 August, 2023

The first phase of this routine might be the most obvious to the audience. Yet I believe by emphasizing the information not known to the performer even this could be minimized. Then the first phase can be quickly followed by the second phase which could be paced slower than the first - giving time misdirection to the first phase. Finally, the routine finishes with the third phase which also could be paced more slowly and in my opinion is the strongest of the three layers. My belief is that this should not be repeated for the same audience.

Reviewed by John Anders (confirmed purchase)
★★★★★   Date Added: Friday 11 August, 2023

This is a clever idea and I have a Medieval act I incorporate it into this act with a pebble of course. Love it, love the simplicity of it and if you know other non electronis systems, you can repeat it with another method.

Reviewed by Craig Fifer (confirmed purchase)
★★★★★   Date Added: Thursday 10 August, 2023

The key principle of this effect is so simple as to be obvious to the participants. Although there are clever layers to the routine, they all rest on a foundation that isn't fooling at all. I found the price fairly high for something so simple.