This is an exceptionally hard-hitting and very magical routine. Scott developed it with the Table-Hopping environment in mind, but it isn't limited to table-hopping venues--Scott also performs this with full sized cups in a variety of different performing conditions! If you work in the real world…this is definitely worthy of your consideration.
The Cups and Balls is probably the most-performed effect in magic's long history. However, it is rarely seen by the public these days, especially by table-hopping close up performers. Table-hopping magicians aren't willing (or able) to dedicate so much precious pocket space to one effect.
Scott developed this routine with the Table-Hopping environment in mind. It sacrifices less pocket space and the table room required is minimal.
In addition to significantly fewer props, by eliminating one cup and two balls, the routine is easier for the audience to follow - there is more clarity of effect. (Scott's routine uses one regular cup and one chop cup, one regular ball and one magnetic ball. A set of cups where one is a chop cup is also referred to a combo cup set.)
Other important points are:
- It can be done standing or seated.
- It can be performed surrounded.
- There are no false transfers.
- There is no sleeving or topiting.
- It resets quickly and easily
Best of all, the routine is hard hitting and very magical. And it isn't limited to table-hopping venues! Scott also performs this with full sized cups in a variety of different performing conditions!
If you work in the real world…this is definitely worthy of your consideration.
Level: Easy to intermediate
An extremely valuable contribution to cups and balls literature. Attainable by the amateur in terms of difficulty, and simultaneously Feng Shui in terms of structural and logistical integrity. There are no rough spots. Its value far outweighs its cost. - Ron Giesecke
I purchased your Table-Hopping Cups & Balls. Great Work! I am going to start using your two cup routine mixed with my own version. - Merritt Ambrose
The cups and balls by Scott is fantastic. For me it is the most practical cups and balls routine. Two cups, a ball, a wand, no difficult moves and plenty of surprises. - Chappelly
1st edition 2009; 14 pages.
word count: 2543 which is equivalent to 10 standard pages of text