A fast, modern escape act you can present at nightclubs, casino floor shows, and TV.
It's an ever-changing world. And with these changes come new modes in everything, including show business. Houdini could be heavily shackled, then retire to a cabinet for thirty minutes, liberate himself and the audiences clamored for more. But that was then ... Paying customers today demand two things: speed and comedy. Many successful professional magicians throw good tricks away if the item won't produce at least six laughs and takes more than two minutes to perform.
This act has been streamlined to appeal to modern audiences and staging requirements. Another plus is that this type of act has rarely been witnessed by audiences today, even though Houdini, the most famous magician in the world, made escapes his specialty. The well-rounded magician understands that the demand for regular conjuring entertainment ebbs and flows, depending on the quality of the last performer hired by the booking agent or club manager. Therefore, it's virtually essential that the modern wizard have a second act available, in order to weather any periods of inactivity due to factors beyond his control.
Here, then, is that act, routined to perfection.
Plus, in this updated release, we include another Thayer escape feature: the Bengal Thumb Tie. It was one of Larsen's favorites; it will become one of yours, too.
"A fast, up-to-date version of the Handcuff Escape Act." - Billy McComb
1st edition 1944, PDF 17 pages.
word count: 4542 which is equivalent to 18 standard pages of text