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The Cerebral Approach: Book Three
by Nick Conticello

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The Cerebral Approach: Book Three by Nick Conticello

New Century Pairs Re-Paired

  • Introduction
  • Chapter 1: A Bit of History
  • Chapter 2: Judah's Mutus Nomen (S.J. Mutus Dedit Trick)
  • Chapter 3: Thoughts on the Classical Effect
  • Chapter 4: Third Person Singular: 30 cards in play, 3 selections. After the Judah shuffle, top ten cards are put aside and the rest laid out. Performer reveals the third card without seeing any of the faces.
  • Chapter 5: There Are No Words: The basic effect with no code words, just a modified shuffle and a few simple arithmetical rules.
  • Chapter 6: Poker Four-ay: 20 cards, 4 selections by four different people. All four indicate their rows at once. Selections divined with absolute certainty. Possible only with the numerical system.
  • Chapter 7: Twenty-Four: Classical or modern effect done with 24 cards. A simple layout, a few mnemonic rules, and Aronson's No-No's Fishing employed for four of the pairs. No code words used.
  • Bonus: Nomen Alone
  • Appendix: The Charlier Shuffle
  • Envoi
The Pairs Re-Paired, aka The Latin Card Trick or Mutus Nomen, is one of those ancient classics that everybody knows but nobody does. For roughly two centuries, the problem of laying out the cards in too studied a fashion was never addressed. Stewart Judah was the first to tackle the problem, revealing a vastly better approach in The New Phoenix in the early 1950's. From that starting point, Nick Conticello has brought the effect into the 21st Century. He has streamlined the selection procedure, eliminated the code words, and added a strong climax. Further, by applying the wonderful No-No's Fishing concept of Simon Aronson, he has stretched the boundaries of this effect beyond anything previously imagined.

Magicians and mentalists alike will love this approach. No sleight-of-hand is required for any of the effects in this ebook.

1st edition 2017, 20 pages.
word count: 5046 which is equivalent to 20 standard pages of text