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The Cerebral Approach: Book One
by Nick Conticello


(1 review, 3 customer ratings) ★★★★

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The Cerebral Approach: Book One by Nick Conticello

Notes on the 18 Card Trick.

Nick Conticello starts a new series of ebooks on sleightless magic with a new take on the venerable 27 Card Trick. A card merely thought of by a volunteer is revealed at a position the volunteer requests at the start. This method uses just 18 cards and needs no complex formulas or tables, just a few simple rules. Besides the basic effect, Nick adds a presentation that elevates this item from a mere puzzle to a great card effect.

1st edition 2017, 11 pages.
word count: 3036 which is equivalent to 12 standard pages of text

Reviewed by Michael Lyth (confirmed purchase)
★★★★★   Date Added: Monday 10 April, 2017

Excellent value and very practical material too and beautiful when practised well before performing to any audience