This is a lovely old-school children's story about a pig named Grunter Growler, his life on a farm, his animal as well as human friends, and his success winning 1st prize as the most beautiful pig in the country.
The interesting part for conjurers is that Grunter meets Toby the Learned Pig which includes a description of a typical performance of Toby. Those who study and research learned pigs might find it interesting. All learned pigs in England were named Toby. It is therefore not clear which Toby was the model for this description.
- Preface
- Chapter I. Introductory
- Chapter II. Our Hero
- Chapter III. The Legend Of Giles Chawbacon
- Chapter IV. Grunter’s Troubles
- Chapter V. Grunter Makes His Will
- Chapter VI. A Visitor
- Chapter VII. Adventures Of A Bohemian
- Chapter VIII. Grunter’s Dissipation And Felony
- Chapter IX. A Dark Subject
- Chapter X. The Portrait
- Chapter XI. Doctor Toby
- Chapter XII. An Essay On Man
- Chapter XIII. Hammekins Turns Out
- Chapter XIV. The Tale Of Doom
- Chapter XV. Grunter Absconds
- Chapter XVI. The Competitive Examination
1st edition 1869, 188 pages; PDF 70 pages.
word count: 31283 which is equivalent to 125 standard pages of text