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The Gen Volume 21 (1965)
Harry Stanley
Lewis Ganson
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This product is also part of:
The Gen
On the covers are
Arnold De Seiver
Harold Taylor
Billy Day
George Hammerton
Dick Scott (Yimka)
Ross Bertram
Drew Masters
Bayard Grimshaw and Harry Stanley
Oscar Paulson
Finn Jon (Finn Hauger)
Hugh Miller
336 pages
Volume 21, Number 1, May, 1965, 28 numbered pages - cover picture: Arnold de Seiver
From The Gen Desk - comments from Lewis Ganson
Close Up Magic
Slydini and Delmin's Popper - Horace Bennett
Variations on the [Syldini] "Flyaway Coin" Routine
Delmini's Popper
New Lamps for Old - series by Rink of Holland
Sucker Knot
Card Magic
The Slippery Sam Card Discovery - Ken de Courcy's Practicalities
One Hand Bottom Deal - Barry Covan [Australia]
Mental and Spirit Magic
Monghan-Mallorca-Shanghai-and Malini - John Pickstone [Palma de Mallorca]
Lewis Ganson's Fotomagic - series
Fianle to the Miser's Dream - Roger Crosthwaite
Billy Russell - The Grand Old Man of Magic - Part Two - Rev. Robert E. Olson
Bowl Production Supreme
The Stage Filled with Equipment
The Floating Ball
The Magic Clock
Stage Version - Sympathetic Cards - Rev. Robert E. Olsen
Bring 'Em Back Alive - Patten's Publicity Pieces
Review - comments from Harry Stanley
The Diamond Jubilee
The Dealers
Swadling Swindle and Blasted
Young Magician of the Year
Jay Marshall
Henk Vermeyden
The Dance and Cabaret
The Tombola
Magic Circle Magic Show
Fred Kaps Lecture
A History of Mystery
The Gala Show
After Gala Show
The Farewell Luncheon
Roger Crosthwaite
By Request
Johnny Hart
Volume 21, Number 2, June, 1965, 28 numbered pages - cover picture: Harold Taylor
From The Gen Desk - comments from Lewis Ganson
New Lamps for Old - series by Rink of Holland
Wandering Pennies
Card Magic
Card Mirage - Horace Bennett
Your Number - Your Card - Horace Bennett
1-2-3-4-5 - Noel Stanton
Lewis Ganson's Fotomagic - series
Pickpocketing - Roger Crosthwaite
Lipsticked Cigarette
Wrist Watch Steal
Expanding Bracelet or Watch
Mental and Spirit Magic
Easy Giant Memory - Malcolm Davison
Billy Russell - The Grand Old Man of Magic - Part Three - Rev. Robert E. Olson
The Bean Trick
Magic Clock
Lifting Challenge
Batavia Convention
Started in 1895
Houdini's Milk Can Escape
Water Torture Cell
Review - comments from Harry Stanley
De Nederlandse Magische Unie
Crack of Dawn
The Town Greeting
The First "Set"
The Dealers Demonstration
Dutch Magicians
The Outdoor Stunt
Open Air Theatre
Shaky Start
Up at the Crack of Noon
Prize Winners
Last Words
Visitors to London
"Harry's Eaten Here"
Volume 21, Number 3, July, 1965, 28 numbered pages - cover picture: Billy Day
From The Gen Desk - comments from Lewis Ganson
Mainly Manipulative
Thimbles - Frank Monaghan
Advanced Thimbles for the Under-Privileged
Rim Control for the Dancing Thimble
A New Single Handed Colour Change
The Four in Hand
Tom Sellers' Mental Magic
Oracle Revelation
The Divination Rods
A Number in Space
New Lamps for Old - series by Rink of Holland
Another Oldie in a New Dress
Lewis Ganson's Fotomagic - series
Pickpocketing (Two) - Roger Crosthwaite
Handkerchief Hanky Panky
Card Magic
Faro-Fan Control - William Zavis
Stamprediction or A Penny (Stamp) for Your Thoughts - Ron Escott
Money Magic
Metallic Oil and Water or Heads Away! - Ken de Courcy's Practicalities
Zombiegonk - Dennis Patten
Review - comments from Harry Stanley
Johnny Hart
Duncan Fletcher
"Senator" Crandall
Fire and Flood
Ancient and Historic
Lots of Good Magic
Billy Day
Volume 21, Number 4, August, 1965, 28 numbered pages - cover picture: George Hammerton
From The Gen Desk - comments from Lewis Ganson
Magic with Apparatus
Sellers' Trio - Tom Sellers
Magic Welding
Candle, Silk and Glass Tube
Ghost Tube 20th Century
Money Magic
Copper and Silver Separation - Peter Oran (Holland)
Bank Note Snap - John M. Gilliland
Mental and Spirit Magic
Swami-Doodle - Ken de Courcy
Card Magic
The Death of Gaylord Ravenal - David Bornstein (Denmark)
Lewis Ganson's Fotomagic - series
Pickpocketing (Three) - Roger Crosthwaite
DPM [Direct Psychological Misdirection] Pen Steal and Replacement
DPM Repeat Transfer Handkerchief Steal
New Lamps for Old - series by Rink of Holland
Triple Dutch Rope Routine
Card Magic
A Lesson (Forgotten - and Remembered!) - John Pickstone
Volume 21, Number 5, September, 1965, 28 numbered pages - cover picture: Dick Short (Yimka)
From The Gen Desk - comments from Lewis Ganson
Mental and Spirit Magic
Delmini's "Test" Book Test - Elmer Deffenbaugh
The Lucifer Divination - Ken de Courcy's Practicalities
Money Magic
Maupin's Mat - Horace Bennett
Card Magic
Oran's Thought Card - recorded by Rink
New Lamps for Old - series by Rink of Holland
Card Through Case and Handkerchief
Lewis Ganson's Fotomagic - series
Pickpocketing (Wallet Wallop) - Roger Crosthwaite
The Half-Stooge - John Pickstone [Palma de Mallorca]
Review - comments from Harry Stanley
Thrilled [move]
Luxury Studio
Tramped Soho
Pleasure and Relief
The Main Studio
Carpeted Wall to Wall
Leather-Bound Show-Cases
Cocktail Bar
Personal Instruction
Lounge Area
Magicians' Meca
Luxury Magic in a Luxurious Setting
Middle of October
Provinces and Overseas
Improved Post Service
What Else?
Volume 21, Number 6, October, 1965, 28 numbered pages - cover picture: Anverdi (Tony de Vries)
From The Gen Desk - comments from Lewis Ganson
Close Up Magic
Sellers' Trio - Tom Sellers
Bag Rise
Ring and Cord Release
Rising Ring on Wand
Rope Magic
A Ring and a Rope - Averdi [Holland]
A Patter Story for the Equally Unequal Ropes - C. F. Germelman
Money Magic
"New Coin Change" Addition - Horace E. Bennett
Oran's Torn and restored Newspaper - Peter Oran
Lewis Ganson's Fotomagic - series
Pickpocketing Tie-Up! - Roger Crosthwaite
For My Lady
New Lamps for Old - series by Rink of Holland
Ups and Downs
Card Magic
Ten Chance Prediction - Ted Farrington
Review - comments from Harry Stanley
Welcome to my new showplace of Magic
Volume 21, Number 7, November, 1965, 28 numbered pages - cover picture: Ross Bertram
From The Gen Desk - comments from Lewis Ganson
Stripper Rise - Martin Schwartz [USA]
Magic with Apparatus
A Double Diamond Works Wonders! - Norman Rhodes
Two from Tom - Tom Sellers
Coloured Discs and Cards
Kumbak Knots
Money Magic
Peter Oram's Three Coin Transposition - recorded by Rink
Flip-Top Fantasy - Ken de Courcy's Practicalities
Stapled-Reverse - Albert Spackman
Lewis Ganson's Fotomagic - series
The Pay Off - Ross Bertram (Canada)
Card Magic
A Letter from William Zavis (American Embassy, Ivory Coast)
The Jabberwock at the Card Table
Magic for Youngsters
Paints for Christmas - Len Belcher
Review - comments from Harry Stanley
Bob Backhouse
New Studio
Bayard Grimshaw
The New Unique Studio
Smart Displays
Unique Films
Volume 21, Number 8, December, 1965, 28 numbered pages - cover picture: Drew Masters
From The Gen Desk - comments from Lewis Ganson & Frederica
Magic from Scotland - compiled by Frederica
Magic with Apparatus
The Magic Poster - Stuart Leith
In the Groove - Roy Scott
Card Magic
Magnetic Ink - Dave Campbell
Another Routine with "Five Star Miracle Wallet" - Harry Carnegie
Farrell's Card Control - Bob Farrell
Lewis Ganson's Fotomagic - series
Hypnotique - Roger Crosthwaite
Variation One
Variation Two
Magic for Youngsters
Red and Green Rabbits - Drew Masters
Signed, Sealed and Delivered - Frederica
Magic for the Pocket
Krazy Kubes - Carl F. Germelman
Double Dutch "Ring Off" - gag from Bob Driebek
Volume 21, Number 9, January, 1966, 28 numbered pages - cover picture: Harry Stanley with Bayard Grimshaw
From The Gen Desk - comments from Lewis Ganson
Rope Magic
More Variations on the Equally Unequal Ropes - Bill Shewan
The Crossover Move
The Count
Mental and Spirit Magic
A Thought is Torn - Ron Escott
Card Magic
Another Case of the Four Kings - R. Howes
Pop-Up Double Lift - Elmer Defenbaugh
Magic with Apparatus
Two from Tom - Tom Sellers
1. Choose a Fan
2. Silks from Water
Lewis Ganson's Fotomagic - series
Card Production - John Gilliland
A - Method One
B - Method Two
C - Cottone Squeeze Production
Ken de Courcy's Practicalities
Flash 'arry
Waist of a Card
New Lamps for Old - series by Rink of Holland
Two Rings and a Rope
Routined Impossible - Geoffrey Green
Volume 21, Number 10, February, 1966, 28 numbered pages - cover picture: Oscar Paulson
From The Gen Desk - comments from Lewis Ganson
New Lamps for Old - series by Rink of Holland
Easy Giant Memory (Variations)
Magic with Apparatus
Duplex - Len Belcher
Card Magic
Colour Change - Arnold de Seiver
Money Magic
"Will-O-The-Wisp" Jnr. - Horace E. Bennett
Sellers' Trio - Tom Sellers
The Numbers in the Smoke
The Money Speller
Penny to Half Crown
Lewis Ganson's Fotomagic - series
Balls from Silk - Marconick
Magic for the Pocket
Bill in Cigarette - William Zavis (American Embassy, Ivory Coast)
Rope Magic
Rope Effects [using the "Jay Bee" principle] - Norman Rhodes
Effect 1 - >From You to Me
Effect 2
Review - comments from Harry Stanley
Hello Again
Full of Beans
The Magic Scene
Ladies and Gentlemen - A New Style Magical Comment by Ken Brooke [new products]
Volume 21, Number 11, March, 1966, 28 numbered pages - cover picture: Finn Jon (Finn Hauger)
From The Gen Desk - comments from Lewis Ganson
Money Magic
Bennett's Change-Over - Horace E. Bennett
One-At-A-Time Coins - Horace E. Bennett
Seller's Trio - Tom Sellers
Thoughts Can Fly
The Penny Speller
A Fancy Card Sleight
New Lamps for Old - series by Rink of Holland
The Globe
Cup and Ball Flourish
Lewis Ganson's Fotomagic - series
Bewildering Silks - Marconick
Mental and Spirit Magic
Bingo! - W. J. Cheal
Card Magic
The Curse of Scotland - Tony Shiels
The Resurrected Card - Magini
It's Got to be More Than Magic - The First of a Series by Ken Brooke
Ladies and Gentlemen - A New Style Magical Comment by Ken Brooke [new products]
Volume 21, Number 12, April, 1966, 28 numbered pages - cover picture: Hugh Miller
From The Gen Desk - comments from Lewis Ganson
Mental and Spirit Magic
Psychic Poker - John Bragoli
Tom Sellers' Mental Magic
Pseudo Memory Test
Card Prediction
An Idea for the Marked Slate
Money Magic
Bennett's Benzais - Coin Vanish and Recovery - Horace E. Bennett
New Lamps for Old - series by Rink of Holland
Coins and Sleeves
Apropos the Colour Change - T. Nordnes (Stockholm)
Lewis Ganson's Fotomagic - series
Silken Bombshell - Marconick
Card Magic
Two Way Traffic - John Pickstone (Palma de Mallorca)
It's Got to be More Than Magic - series by Ken Brooke
Review - comments from Harry Stanley
Fred Lowe
Walter Jeans
Harry Latour
The Studio
Million Dollar Mystery
Unique Magi-Tutor
word count: 148389 which is equivalent to 593 standard pages of text
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Reviewed by
Amado Narvaez
(confirmed purchase)
Date Added: Monday 27 May, 2024
This issue contains some great information about Horace Bennett that should prove useful in an article I am writing about this creative Richmond, Virginia magician.
Write your own review
Frequently bought together with:
The Gen Volume 20 (1964)
Harry Stanley & Lewis Ganson
The Gen Volume 19 (1963)
Harry Stanley & Lewis Ganson
The Gen Volume 22 (1966)
Harry Stanley & Lewis Ganson
The Gen Volume 24 (1968)
Harry Stanley & Lewis Ganson
The Gen Volume 25 (1969)
Harry Stanley & Lewis Ganson
The Gen Volume 26 (1970)
Harry Stanley & Lewis Ganson
The Gen Volume 17 (1961)
Harry Stanley & Lewis Ganson
The Gen Volume 15 (1959)
Harry Stanley & Lewis Ganson
The Gen Volume 23 (1967)
Harry Stanley & Lewis Ganson
The Gen Volume 18 (1962)
Harry Stanley & Lewis Ganson
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