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The Gen Volume 6 (1950)
by Harry Stanley & Lewis Ganson

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The Gen Volume 6 (1950) by Harry Stanley & Lewis Ganson
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On the covers are

  • Ken de Courcy
  • Jimmie Bates
  • Willane
  • Henk Vermeyden
  • His Honour Judge Wethered O.B.E.
  • Charles Tabor
  • Chan Canasta
  • Harry Venson
  • Joe Stuthard and Kay
  • Al Koran
  • George Grimmond
  • George Blake
384 pages
  1. Volume 6, Number 1, May, 1950, 32 numbered pages - cover picture: Ken de Courcy
  2. Front Page Personalities - Ken de Courcy
  3. Change - and Change Again - Ken de Courcy
  4. A Rough Idea - Len Belcher
  5. Latex Limericks - Wm. J. Bate
  6. Making Do! - Michael F. Rogers
  7. Supersonic Brainwave - Lewis Ganson
  8. Billy McComb's "Irish Stew" - Chitter-Chatter-Patter
  9. Convincing Chatter for Card Conjurers - Eddie Songest
  10. Children's Corner - series by Wilfred H. Tyler
  11. Eggs in Balloon - Alyn Jones
  12. Routined Manipulation - series by Lewis Ganson
    • Section Seven, Cards: Crazy Fans
      • Preparation
      • The "Weave"
      • To alter the angle of the packs
      • To make a giant fan
      • Possible angles for the packs
      • The Routine
  13. Fifty Years of Fun - Reminiscences of a famous entertainer - series by Herbert J. Collings
  14. Unique Magicians' Club - report by James Noolon
  15. Thoughts - D. Chanan
  16. Two Ideas - H. M. Wylie
    • Double Pockets
    • Simple Card Switch
  17. Moonlight and Roses - A Magical Tone Poem - Jimmie Bates

  1. Volume 6, Number 2, June, 1950, 32 numbered pages - cover picture: Jimmie Bates
  2. Editorial - editor's letter
  3. Front Page Personalities - Jimmie Bates
  4. The Show in Action - photos throughout the issue
  5. Before the Show - report on Scala Theatre show
  6. The Scala Show - report by James Noolon
  7. Some After Thoughts
  8. Ken de Courcy Patters On! - column
  9. A Telephone Directory Test - Eric Grause
  10. Unique Magicians' Club - report by James Noolon
  11. Routined Manipulation - series by Lewis Ganson
  12. Latex Ideas - An Opening Routine - John Gresham
    • Logic
  13. Fifty Years of Fun - Reminiscences of a famous entertainer - series by Herbert J. Collings
  14. Some Original Effects - Herbert J. Collings
    • Card and Lyre
    • Card and Medicine Bottle
    • The Elusive Pip
    • Card and Umbrella
    • Smoked Plate Effect
  15. Billy McComb's "Irish Stew" - Chitter-Chatter-Patter
  16. Children's Corner - series by Wilfred H. Tyler
    • Omega - "Dick Barton" dressing for Rope and Rings - Charles A. Scott
  17. The Spirit of the Letter - Len Belcher
  18. Three Blind Mice - from a letter from P. J. Jenkins

  1. Volume 6, Number 3, July, 1950, 32 numbered pages - cover picture: Willane
  2. Front Page Personalities - Willane
  3. Trixer's Bird Cage Vanish - Hans E. Trixer
  4. Jester's Chest - Len Belcher
  5. Ken de Courcy Patters On! - column
  6. Black and Red - G. P. Stacey
  7. A Brow Wiper - Johnny Geddes
  8. Crazy Egg Bag Routine - Ravelle and Andree
  9. Eggs'trordinary Extemporised - Ken de Courcy
  10. Cut and Restored £1 Note - comments from Cecil Heygate
  11. Unique Magicians' Club - report by James Noolon
  12. My Presentation of Supersonic - Tommy Rowe
  13. Routined Manipulation - series by Lewis Ganson
  14. Divination Supreme - Tom Sellars [sic]
  15. A Show in a Bag - Johnny Geddes
  16. Children's Corner - series by Wilfred H. Tyler
  17. Guillotine plus Stop-Go Funnel
  18. Fifty Years of Fun - Reminiscences of a famous entertainer - series by Herbert J. Collings

  1. Volume 6, Number 4, August, 1950, 32 numbered pages - cover picture: Henk Vermeyden
  2. Front Page Personalities - Henk Vermeyden
  3. A Handkerchief Production - Herbert J. Collings
  4. Out of Beyond - Johnny Geddes
  5. Children's Corner - series by Wilfred H. Tyler
  6. My Opening Routine - J. K. Bays
  7. The Jumping Ring - Tom Sellers
  8. The Teleprinter - by "1066"
  9. The Double Bill Tube - Hans E. Trixer
  10. Two Novel Items - Len Belcher
    • Ring Off
    • Turn It Up
  11. Stunts for a Compere - Tommy Rowe
  12. Silk to Matchbox - [Kenneth Bramwell]
  13. This and That - A breath of the North - column by Freddie Carter
  14. Routined Manipulation - series by Lewis Ganson
    • Section Nine: Modern Billiard Ball Manipulation
      • The Type and Size of Balls to Use
      • The Half Shell
      • The Care and Preparation of Hands
      • The Two Palm Positions
  15. Unique Magicians' Club - news and comments by James Noolon
  16. The Mystic Tumbler - Bill Russell [sic] - actually T. D. Dill-Russell
  17. Ken de Courcy presents Mentally Speaking
    • This Person is Dead!
  18. A "Levitation" Idea - J. H. Hickson

  1. Volume 6, Number 5, September, 1950, 32 numbered pages - Special I.B.M. Number - cover picture: His Honor Judge Wethered, O.B.E.
  2. The I.B.M. British Ring - E. H. C. Wethered
  3. Committee Members, British Ring I.B.M. - photos (throughout the issue)
  4. The I.B.M. - Wm. G. Strickland
  5. Children's Corner - series by Wilfred H. Tyler
  6. Have A Go - J. K. Bays
  7. Clocking In - Eric Williams
  8. Lighting a Cigarette
  9. correction [to pages 117 & 109]
  10. Changing a Cigarette - Al Koran
  11. The Charlier Interlock - Tom Sellers
  12. My Snake in Box - Len Belcher
  13. Wrist Reel Magic - Major John Kenyon
  14. Routined Manipulation - series by Lewis Ganson
    • Section Nine: Modern Billiard Ball Manipulation [continued]
      • Exercises with the Palm Proper
      • Exercises with the Finger Palm
      • Methods of Vanishing a Billiard Ball
  15. Mobile Liquids - Stephen H. Hankins
  16. Ken de Courcy Patters On! - column
  17. If I Were Presenting - series by George Blake
  18. Unique Magicians' Club - news and comments by James Noolon
  19. A Gag for Comperes - series by James Noolon
  20. This and That - A breath of the North - column by Freddie Carter
  21. Double Wand - Harold G. Beaumont

  1. Volume 6, Number 6, October, 1950, 32 numbered pages - cover picture: Charles Tabor
  2. Front Page Personalities -
  3. Harold G. Beaumont describes two novelties ...
    • The Bang Gun
    • Big Chief Harry Ha-Ha
  4. True Scotch - Alyn Jones
  5. U.N.O. - Alyn Jones
  6. The Human Gasometer - Alyn Jones
  7. Comedy Card Balloon - "Hen" Fetsch
  8. Reel Magic - series by Major John Kenyon
  9. Comedy Light-Weight Hammer
  10. Diploma - Len Belcher
  11. Unique Magicians' Club - news and comments by James Noolon
  12. A Gag for Comperes - series by James Noolon
  13. Routined Manipulation - series by Lewis Ganson
    • Section Nine: Modern Billiard Ball Manipulation [continued]
      • Methods of Producing a Billiard Ball
      • Apparatus Used for Obtaining a Ball Secretly
  14. The Party Spirit - Len Belcher
  15. Clip Location - Ken de Courcy
  16. To Shuffle a Prearranged Deck - Hubert Lambert
  17. Invisible Indices - Hubert Lambert
  18. Children's Corner - series by Wilfred H. Tyler

  1. Volume 6, Number 7, November, 1950, 32 numbered pages - cover picture: Chan Canasta
  2. Front Page Personalities - Chan Canasta
  3. Impromptu Levitation - Billy O'Connor
  4. Reel Magic - series by Major John Kenyon
  5. Comedy Tricks and Gags - Cyro
  6. A Goodnight Story - Charles Danilia
  7. Children's Corner - series by Wilfred H. Tyler
  8. Pattern for a Paper Tear - Len Belcher
  9. An Aid for the Miser's Dream - Tom Sellers
  10. Pineapple Painting - Johnny Geddes
  11. U.N.O. - Alyn Jones
  12. The Byford--de Courcy 4-Ace Trick
  13. Rising and Falling Match - James Gadsby
  14. House that Jack Built - Len Belcher
  15. A Thimble Colour Change - Jimmie Green
  16. Routined Manipulation - series by Lewis Ganson
    • Section Nine: Modern Billiard Ball Manipulation [continued]
      • The Use of Misdirection
      • Acquitments with Billiard Balls
  17. Lesson in Latex - Ken de Courcy
  18. Unique Magicians' Club - news and comments by James Noolon
  19. Comedy Gags - series by James Noolon

  1. Volume 6, Number 8, December, 1950, 32 numbered pages - cover picture: Harry Venson
  2. Front Page Personalities - Harry Venson
  3. Finding an Unknown Noted Card - Jas. Gadsby
  4. Children's Corner - series by Wilfred H. Tyler
    • Mind Your Fingers
  5. Penetrating Silk - Joe Stuthard
  6. Mutilating the Top of Your Thumb - Eddie Songest
  7. Further Comedy Tricks and Gags - series by Cyro
    • A Simple Barometer from a sheet of newspaper
    • Gag with a Light-Up Bow Tie
    • My Bullet Catching Act is Very Funny
  8. The Ever-filling Wineglass - Major John Kenyon
  9. Note and the Jar - Tom Sellers
  10. Milk Stout - H. McAdoo (Cadoma)
  11. Impaled Card on Bat - Rupert Gilbert
  12. Routined Manipulation - series by Lewis Ganson
    • Section Nine: Modern Billiard Ball Manipulation [continued]
      • Manipulation of the Shell
      • Palming the Shell
  13. Unique Magicians' Club - news and comments by James Noolon
  14. Comedy Gags - series by James Noolon
  15. The One-Man Full-Vu Prediction - Ken de Courcy

  1. Volume 6, Number 9, January, 1951, 32 numbered pages - cover picture: Joe Stuthard and Kay
  2. Front Page Personalities - Joe Stuthard and Kay
  3. The Mystic Seven [with photo]
  4. Dilemma'd Routine - Vivante
  5. The Biff-Bat Mystery - Cyro
  6. A Simple Paper-tearing Effect - Joe Stuthard
  7. Two Salt Gags - Weston
  8. A Showy Production Item - Al Fern
  9. The Transposing Discs - Tom Sellers
  10. The Very Latest Indian Rope Trick - Ken de Courcy
  11. Rope's End - Ken de Courcy
  12. Penetro Corks - Tony Mutty
  13. Children's Corner - series by Wilfred H. Tyler
  14. Rummy Rhymes - Len Belcher
  15. A Cigarette Sleight - Tom Sellers
  16. Routined Manipulation - series by Lewis Ganson
    • Section Nine: Modern Billiard Ball Manipulation [continued]
      • Acquitments with the Shell
      • The First Routine
  17. Routined Manipulation by Lewis Ganson - book review by Paul Fleming

  1. Volume 6, Number 10, February, 1951, 32 numbered pages - cover picture: Al Koran
  2. Front Page Personalities - Al Koran
  3. Hic! - Gerald W. Marsh
  4. Joker Over! - Ken de Courcy
  5. The "Cascade" Force - Tom Sellers
  6. Further Comedy Tricks and Gags - series by Cyro
    • Atomic Vase Gag
    • Light Hammer Gag
    • Hot Dogs
    • A Visit to the Zoo - Harold Beaumont
  7. Children's Corner - series by Wilfred H. Tyler
  8. If I Were Presenting - series by George Blake
  9. Silk Jumper - Ravelle & Andree
  10. Sympathetic Silks - Vivante
  11. Aerial Draughts - Len Belcher
  12. Tobac Botanicus - George Sutcliffe
  13. Tobac Botanicus - A Variation for Children - Harold G. Beaumont
  14. Crazy Candle - Harold de Seiver
  15. Dealing "Seconds" - Joe Stuthard
  16. SKULLevitation - Johnny Geddes
  17. letter from Donald Dickens
  18. Magic Printing Plus - Len Belcher
  19. Sharp Shooting - A Card Trick with a New Angle - Rupert Gilbert
  20. Unique Magicians' Club - news and comments by James Noolon
  21. Reel Magic - series by Major John Kenyon
  22. Routined Manipulation - series by Lewis Ganson
    • Section Nine: Modern Billiard Ball Manipulation [continued]
      • The Second Routine

  1. Volume 6, Number 11, March, 1951, 32 numbered pages - cover picture: George Grimmond
  2. Front Page Personalities - George Grimmond
  3. Reel Magic - series by Major John Kenyon
  4. A Tip for the Human Gasometer Effect - Alyn Jones
  5. An Impromptu Cigarette Restoration - Don Grosini (Canada)
  6. Routined Manipulation - series by Lewis Ganson
    • Section Ten: The Colour Changing Pocket Knife
      • The Type of Knife to Use
      • A Convenient Holder
      • To Show Both Sides of the Knife Apparently
        • First Method
        • Second Method
        • Third Method
  7. The Scarlet Pimpernel for a "Vent" - Rupert Gilbert
  8. Poker Deal Extraordinary - Gus Southall
  9. Beauty Spell - John A. M. Howie
  10. Children's Corner - series by Wilfred H. Tyler
  11. Climax Egg Box - Len Belcher
  12. Further Comedy Tricks and Gags - series by Cyro
    • Comedy Slate Test
    • Cut and Restored Rabbit
  13. If I Were Presenting - series by George Blake
    • The Magnetic Wand
  14. Inventors' Club - Len Belcher
  15. Strike-A-Light - Joe Stuthard
  16. Wandalight - Geo. Durant
  17. A Baker's Dozen - Being 13 Ideas for the Liqua Wand - Ken de Courcy
  18. The Devon Magic Circle - picture

  1. Volume 6, Number 12, April, 1951, 32 numbered pages - cover picture: George Blake
  2. Front Page Personalities - George Blake
  3. Cards to Pocket - Joseph P. Keogh (Dublin)
  4. A Torn and Restored Newspaper Notion - Tom Sellers
  5. Electronic - F. G. Rayner & Vivante
  6. I'll Eat the Card - Cyro
  7. Routined Manipulation - series by Lewis Ganson
    • Section Ten: The Colour Changing Pocket Knife [continued]
      • Three Vanishes
        • First Method
        • Second Method
        • Third Method
      • The Knife Changes Colour Whilst Held by a Spectator
      • To Change One Knife For Another
        • Preparation
        • The Routine and Patter
  8. Jay Palmer & Doreen - cartoon personality sketch
  9. Inventors' Club - Len Belcher
  10. Children's Corner - series by Wilfred H. Tyler
  11. She Made Some Tarts - Len Belcher
  12. A Streamlined Classic [Silk, Ring and Glass] - Ken de Courcy
  13. Radio Mindreading - M. F. Rogers (Dublin)
  14. Finding the "X" - Tom Sellers
  15. Streamlining Just Chance - M. F. Rogers (Dublin)
  16. A Simple and Mystifying Ring Routine - Rupert Gilbert
  17. Variations of an Old Mathematical Card Trick - Jas. Gadsby
  18. The Royal Game of Sevens - Tommy Murray (Dublin)
  19. It's a Twist

word count: 146296 which is equivalent to 585 standard pages of text