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The Gen Volume 7 (1951)
by Harry Stanley & Lewis Ganson


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The Gen Volume 7 (1951) by Harry Stanley & Lewis Ganson
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On the covers are

  • Ted Elliott
  • George Braund
  • Carl Rosini
  • Jimmy Rogers
  • Dr. Jaks
  • John Forrest
  • Tornedo
  • Louis Tannen
  • Hen Fetsch
  • Gerrie Larsen
  • Kinson
  • Arthur Dowler
382 pages
  1. Volume 7, Number 1, May, 1951, 32 numbered pages - cover picture: Ted Elliott
  2. Front Page Personalities - Ted Elliott
  3. Suspension - Harry Stanley
  4. The Hypogastric Hen or "An Egg a Day Keeps the Axe Away!" - Ken de Courcy
  5. A Novel Thimble-Holder
  6. Tricolour - Len Belcher
  7. The Second Seer - Jack Shepherd
  8. Pre-cognition - Rupert Gilbert
  9. If I Were Presenting - series by George Blake
  10. A Sure Bet ... Card in Wallet - Cyro
  11. A "Cig" Pocket - W. E. Harrogate
  12. The Magicops
  13. The Magicops - cartoon profile
  14. Routined Manipulation - series by Lewis Ganson
    • Section Eleven: Cards
  15. Publicity for the Magician - series by Will Dexter
    • To Get Engagements
    • To Increase Audiences
    • Keeping in the Public Eye
  16. Quick Change - Vivante
  17. Magic Cameos - series by John Kenyon
  18. Psychometric Discovery - Arnold de Seiver
  19. The Separating Loops - Tom Sellers

  1. Volume 7, Number 2, June, 1951, 32 numbered pages - cover picture: George Braund
  2. Front Page Personalities - George Braund
  3. Investor's Club - Len Belcher
  4. Publicity for the Magician - series by Will Dexter
    • Chapter Two
        Business Cards
      • Brochures
      • Letter-heads
  5. Jabbwerwocky - Norman Conquest
  6. Cinderella Goes to the Ball - Arnold de Seiver
  7. A Billiards Ball Move
  8. The Invisible Card in Balloon - Ken de Courcy
  9. Silkan Choice - Fred Lowe
  10. Think of a City - Cyro
  11. The Unique One-day Convention - report with photos
  12. Magic Cameos - series by John Kenyon
    • No. 2
  13. Apparatus to Produce a Silk - Tom Sellers
  14. Tommy Cooper - cartoon profile
  15. Children's Corner - series by Wilfred H. Tyler
    • Eggy - Rupert Gilbert
  16. Penny - Pound Transposition - Harold Poole
  17. If I Were Presenting - series by George Blake
  18. Bouquets - letters of appreciation from readers
  19. Routined Manipulation - series by Lewis Ganson
    • Colour Changes with Billiard Balls
      • The Substitution of One Ball for Another

  1. Volume 7, Number 3, July, 1951, 32 numbered pages - cover picture: Carl Rosini
  2. Front Page Personalities - Carl Rosini
  3. Shrove Tuesday - Ken de Courcy
  4. American Visit - Combined I.B.M.-S.A.M. Mid-Century Conventions - New York - report with photos by Harry Stanley
  5. Perplexing Pips - Ravelle and Andree
  6. A Little Boldness - T. M. King
  7. The Super Forethought - Cyro
  8. Bouquets - letters of appreciation from readers
  9. Tom Harris - cartoon profile
  10. If I Were Presenting - series by George Blake
    • The Miracle Rope, Ring and Hat
  11. A Double Prediction - A. Elmsley
  12. Printed Mentalism - Vivante
  13. Routined Manipulation - series by Lewis Ganson
    • Colour Changes with Billiard Balls [continued]
      • Colour Changes by Means of the Shell
  14. Publicity for the Magician - series by Will Dexter
    • Chapter Three
      • Quotations for Your Brochure
  15. Sighting a Card - Tom Sellers
  16. Children's Corner - series by Wilfred H. Tyler
  17. Black Eggs - Harold G. Beaumont

  1. Volume 7, Number 4, August, 1951, 32 numbered pages - cover picture: Jimmy Rogers
  2. Front Page Personalities - Jimmy Rogers
  3. The Hypnotised Dummy - A Stunt for the Magician Ventriloquist - Rupert Gilbert
  4. Routined Manipulation - series by Lewis Ganson
    • My Opening Card Routine
  5. Grand Final Sucker Table - Roy W. Stewart (New Zealand)
  6. A Double Lift Variation - Tom Sellers
  7. The Ghost Goes West - Ken de Courcy
  8. Minds Alike - Jimmy Flowers
  9. The Bangle Wangle - poem by Norman Conquest
  10. Billy O'Connor - cartoon profile
  11. Turn in Your Grave - Len Belcher
  12. Photos from the Unique Convention
  13. Another Card Rise - Cyro
  14. Publicity for the Magician - series by Will Dexter
    • Chapter Four
      • Breaking Into the News
  15. News and Comments
  16. Fun with a Snake - Rupert Gilbert

  1. Volume 7, Number 5, September, 1951, 32 numbered pages - cover picture: Dr. Jaks
  2. Front Page Personalities - Doctor Stanley Jaks
  3. And All That - comments by 1066
  4. Finale for Cards to Pocket - Tom Sellers
  5. Comedy Quickies - Cyro
  6. Mental Flashes - Dr. Jaks
  7. Subtle Location - Arnold de Seiver
  8. Children's Corner - series by Wilfred H. Tyler
    • The Herald's Trumpet
  9. Paging King Tut - Ken de Courcy
  10. Festival of Britain
  11. Notes from My Diary - J. K. Bays
  12. Colour Change, Penetration and Vanish [silks] - series by Louis Ganson
    • The Colour Change
  13. Torn and Restored Cigarette Paper - Al Koran
  14. Publicity for the Magician - series by Will Dexter
    • Chapter Five
      • Publicity by Post
  15. Is It Fare? - Guy R. March
  16. Willane - cartoon profile

  1. Volume 7, Number 6, October, 1951, 32 numbered pages - cover picture: John Forrest
  2. Front Page Personalities - John Forrest
  3. A King-ly 4-Ace Effect - R. J. Fisher
  4. Children's Corner - series by Wilfred H. Tyler
    • Further Outlook - Len Belcher
  5. Magic Welding - Tom Sellers
  6. Bulls-Eye! - Ali Bongo
  7. Important Notice to Members of Unique Magicians' Club
  8. The Mentalist's Holdall - Will Dexter
  9. Harry's Day of Magic - Sunday, 16th September - review with photos
  10. Story Magic - Dennis Guest
  11. Colour Change, Penetration and Vanish [silks] - series by Louis Ganson
    • Penetration Plus
  12. Jennifer's Ribbon - Ken de Courcy
  13. Publicity for the Magician - series by Will Dexter
    • Chapter Six
      • Photographic Publicity
  14. No Cigarette Smoke - Berto (Germany)
  15. Planning a Chinese Act - Rupert Gilbert

  1. Volume 7, Number 7, November, 1951, 32 numbered pages - cover picture: Tornedo
  2. Front Page Personalities - Tornedo
  3. Spelling Primer - Len Belcher
  4. A "torn Centre" Idea - Tom Sellers
  5. More Comedy Quickies - Cyro
  6. Ali Baba Junior - D'Arcy
  7. Dr. Geimer's Dice Routine - Lewis Ganson
  8. A Vanishing Bird Cage - A. S. Chapman
  9. Playing With Fire - Rupert Gilbert
  10. A Fountain Pen Vanish - Rex Reveen
  11. Between the Aces - A Platform Card Effect - Don Loder
  12. A Mind Reading Aid - Tom Sellers
  13. Some Shots with Harry's Card Sword - Ken Brooke
  14. A Different Magnetic Card - Tom Sellers
  15. A Story with a Moral - Ken de Courcy
  16. Red Bill Poster - Cyro
  17. Publicity for the Magician - series by Will Dexter
    • Chapter Seven
      • Press Advertising
  18. Bill Ellis Photographs - At the Unique October Convention

  1. Volume 7, Number 8, December, 1951, 32 numbered pages - cover picture: Louis Tannen
  2. Front Page Personalities - Louis Tannen
  3. Legacy - Ken de Courcy
  4. Can You Believe It? - Cyro
  5. Three Thoughts - Corvello (Holland)
    • Call Your Friend
    • Caught Thoughts
    • the Stolen Centre
  6. Russell Swann - cartoon profile
  7. Splitting the Fans - Lewis Ganson
  8. Tom Tit - Len Belcher
  9. What's O'Clock - Norman Conquest
  10. An Alyn Jones Page
    • Effects Using the Unique Visible Photo Change Frame
  11. A Set Up for the Twentieth Century Silks - Alyn Jones
  12. A Magazine Test - Ali Bongo
  13. Publicity for the Magician - series by Will Dexter
    • Chapter Eight
      • Filing and Recording
  14. Magical Journey - magic shop travels by Roy E. Short

  1. Volume 7, Number 9, January, 1952, 32 numbered pages - cover picture: "Hen" Fetsch
  2. Front Page Personalities - 'Hen' Fetsch
  3. The Coins Vanish - Lewis Ganson
  4. Utility Coin Catching - Rupert Gilbert
  5. Two [Gerry] Findler Features
    • The Cat Burglar
    • Mystic Signs
  6. Wand'N Rope - Ken de Courcy
  7. Publicity for the Magician - series by Will Dexter
    • Chapter Nine
  8. The Penetrating Coin - Cyro
  9. Changing Room - Len Belcher
  10. The Growing Tassel - Ali Bongo
  11. Tom Seller's Subtleties
    • The "Slip-over" Coins
    • A Card from the Pocket
    • A Cigarette Switch
  12. Comedy Silk Routine - Cyro
  13. A Few More Bill Ellis "Snaps"
  14. Unique Reflections - Harry Stanley, editor

  1. Volume 7, Number 10, February, 1952, 32 numbered pages - cover picture: Gerrie Larsen
  2. Front Page Personalities - Geraldine Larsen
  3. Unique Day of Magic ... 20th January, 1952 - report with photographs - Harry Stanley
  4. Johnny Geddees' Routine for Spot The Silks
  5. Harold G. Beaumont - profile
  6. Ali Baba - Harold G. Beaumont
  7. Findler's Three Fold Pocket Book - Gerry Findler
  8. Silk in Chancery - Len Belcher
  9. Selexo - Len Belcher
  10. A Challenge
    • Hot Light - Will Dexter
  11. Publicity for the Magician - series by Will Dexter
    • Chapter Ten
  12. The Galloping-Coin Card Discovery - Ken de Courcy
  13. Jimmie's Unique Finale - Jimmie Bates
  14. Burto's "Burnt and Restored Paper Strip - Lewis Ganson
  15. Scientific Magic - Dennis Guest
    • Part I
  16. Cutting The Aces - Tom Sellers
  17. Unique Day of Magic ... 20th January, 1952 - report with photographs - Harry Stanley [continued]

  1. Volume 7, Number 11, March, 1952, 32 numbered pages - cover picture: Kinson
  2. Forging Ahead - letter from the editor, Harry Stanley
  3. Front Page Personalities - Jack Kinson
  4. Mary Kinson's 'Fan See Card' - Lewis Ganson
  5. A Pocket Calculator - R. J. Fisher
  6. Orb Hypnotic - Ken de Courcy
  7. Publicity for the Magician - series by Will Dexter
    • Chapter Eleven
  8. If I Were Presenting - series by George Blake
    • The Multi-Magic-Glass
  9. The Rosette - [coin manipulation by] Alexander Elmsley
  10. Bill Ellis Photographs Some More Convention Personalities
  11. Seen Through the Window - Tom Sellers
  12. Donkey's Tail - Len Belcher
  13. The All-Seeing Eye - Dennis Patten
  14. Two from Johnny Geddes
    • A Hat, Its Uses
    • "Elusive Pimpernel" in the Glasshouse
  15. Fly_Silk - Arnold de Seiver

  1. Volume 7, Number 12, April, 1952, 32 numbered pages - cover picture: Arthur Dowler
  2. Editorial - Harry Stanley
  3. Front Page Personalities - Arthur Dowler
  4. Suddenly - A Cigarette - Milbourne Christopher (U.S.A.)
  5. Harmandad - Corvelo (Holland)
  6. Flower Finale - Gerry Findler
  7. Spot Flight - Tom Sellers
  8. Prolific Hen - Harold de Seiver
  9. A Double Colour Change - E. H. Reid
  10. Copper Capers - Arnold de Seiver
  11. More Routined Manipulation - series by Lewis Ganson
    • Chapter 1
      • A Clear Case of Anti-Gravity
  12. Publicity for the Magician - series by Will Dexter
    • Chapter Twelve
  13. Spots! - Len Belcher

word count: 154301 which is equivalent to 617 standard pages of text