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The Gen Volume 7 (1951)
Harry Stanley
Lewis Ganson
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The Gen
On the covers are
Ted Elliott
George Braund
Carl Rosini
Jimmy Rogers
Dr. Jaks
John Forrest
Louis Tannen
Hen Fetsch
Gerrie Larsen
Arthur Dowler
382 pages
Volume 7, Number 1, May, 1951, 32 numbered pages - cover picture: Ted Elliott
Front Page Personalities - Ted Elliott
Suspension - Harry Stanley
The Hypogastric Hen or "An Egg a Day Keeps the Axe Away!" - Ken de Courcy
A Novel Thimble-Holder
Tricolour - Len Belcher
The Second Seer - Jack Shepherd
Pre-cognition - Rupert Gilbert
If I Were Presenting - series by George Blake
A Sure Bet ... Card in Wallet - Cyro
A "Cig" Pocket - W. E. Harrogate
The Magicops
The Magicops - cartoon profile
Routined Manipulation - series by Lewis Ganson
Section Eleven: Cards
Publicity for the Magician - series by Will Dexter
To Get Engagements
To Increase Audiences
Keeping in the Public Eye
Quick Change - Vivante
Magic Cameos - series by John Kenyon
Psychometric Discovery - Arnold de Seiver
The Separating Loops - Tom Sellers
Volume 7, Number 2, June, 1951, 32 numbered pages - cover picture: George Braund
Front Page Personalities - George Braund
Investor's Club - Len Belcher
Publicity for the Magician - series by Will Dexter
Chapter Two
Business Cards
Jabbwerwocky - Norman Conquest
Cinderella Goes to the Ball - Arnold de Seiver
A Billiards Ball Move
The Invisible Card in Balloon - Ken de Courcy
Silkan Choice - Fred Lowe
Think of a City - Cyro
The Unique One-day Convention - report with photos
Magic Cameos - series by John Kenyon
No. 2
Apparatus to Produce a Silk - Tom Sellers
Tommy Cooper - cartoon profile
Children's Corner - series by Wilfred H. Tyler
Eggy - Rupert Gilbert
Penny - Pound Transposition - Harold Poole
If I Were Presenting - series by George Blake
Bouquets - letters of appreciation from readers
Routined Manipulation - series by Lewis Ganson
Colour Changes with Billiard Balls
The Substitution of One Ball for Another
Volume 7, Number 3, July, 1951, 32 numbered pages - cover picture: Carl Rosini
Front Page Personalities - Carl Rosini
Shrove Tuesday - Ken de Courcy
American Visit - Combined I.B.M.-S.A.M. Mid-Century Conventions - New York - report with photos by Harry Stanley
Perplexing Pips - Ravelle and Andree
A Little Boldness - T. M. King
The Super Forethought - Cyro
Bouquets - letters of appreciation from readers
Tom Harris - cartoon profile
If I Were Presenting - series by George Blake
The Miracle Rope, Ring and Hat
A Double Prediction - A. Elmsley
Printed Mentalism - Vivante
Routined Manipulation - series by Lewis Ganson
Colour Changes with Billiard Balls [continued]
Colour Changes by Means of the Shell
Publicity for the Magician - series by Will Dexter
Chapter Three
Quotations for Your Brochure
Sighting a Card - Tom Sellers
Children's Corner - series by Wilfred H. Tyler
Black Eggs - Harold G. Beaumont
Volume 7, Number 4, August, 1951, 32 numbered pages - cover picture: Jimmy Rogers
Front Page Personalities - Jimmy Rogers
The Hypnotised Dummy - A Stunt for the Magician Ventriloquist - Rupert Gilbert
Routined Manipulation - series by Lewis Ganson
My Opening Card Routine
Grand Final Sucker Table - Roy W. Stewart (New Zealand)
A Double Lift Variation - Tom Sellers
The Ghost Goes West - Ken de Courcy
Minds Alike - Jimmy Flowers
The Bangle Wangle - poem by Norman Conquest
Billy O'Connor - cartoon profile
Turn in Your Grave - Len Belcher
Photos from the Unique Convention
Another Card Rise - Cyro
Publicity for the Magician - series by Will Dexter
Chapter Four
Breaking Into the News
News and Comments
Fun with a Snake - Rupert Gilbert
Volume 7, Number 5, September, 1951, 32 numbered pages - cover picture: Dr. Jaks
Front Page Personalities - Doctor Stanley Jaks
And All That - comments by 1066
Finale for Cards to Pocket - Tom Sellers
Comedy Quickies - Cyro
Mental Flashes - Dr. Jaks
Subtle Location - Arnold de Seiver
Children's Corner - series by Wilfred H. Tyler
The Herald's Trumpet
Paging King Tut - Ken de Courcy
Festival of Britain
Notes from My Diary - J. K. Bays
Colour Change, Penetration and Vanish [silks] - series by Louis Ganson
The Colour Change
Torn and Restored Cigarette Paper - Al Koran
Publicity for the Magician - series by Will Dexter
Chapter Five
Publicity by Post
Is It Fare? - Guy R. March
Willane - cartoon profile
Volume 7, Number 6, October, 1951, 32 numbered pages - cover picture: John Forrest
Front Page Personalities - John Forrest
A King-ly 4-Ace Effect - R. J. Fisher
Children's Corner - series by Wilfred H. Tyler
Further Outlook - Len Belcher
Magic Welding - Tom Sellers
Bulls-Eye! - Ali Bongo
Important Notice to Members of Unique Magicians' Club
The Mentalist's Holdall - Will Dexter
Harry's Day of Magic - Sunday, 16th September - review with photos
Story Magic - Dennis Guest
Colour Change, Penetration and Vanish [silks] - series by Louis Ganson
Penetration Plus
Jennifer's Ribbon - Ken de Courcy
Publicity for the Magician - series by Will Dexter
Chapter Six
Photographic Publicity
No Cigarette Smoke - Berto (Germany)
Planning a Chinese Act - Rupert Gilbert
Volume 7, Number 7, November, 1951, 32 numbered pages - cover picture: Tornedo
Front Page Personalities - Tornedo
Spelling Primer - Len Belcher
A "torn Centre" Idea - Tom Sellers
More Comedy Quickies - Cyro
Ali Baba Junior - D'Arcy
Dr. Geimer's Dice Routine - Lewis Ganson
A Vanishing Bird Cage - A. S. Chapman
Playing With Fire - Rupert Gilbert
A Fountain Pen Vanish - Rex Reveen
Between the Aces - A Platform Card Effect - Don Loder
A Mind Reading Aid - Tom Sellers
Some Shots with Harry's Card Sword - Ken Brooke
A Different Magnetic Card - Tom Sellers
A Story with a Moral - Ken de Courcy
Red Bill Poster - Cyro
Publicity for the Magician - series by Will Dexter
Chapter Seven
Press Advertising
Bill Ellis Photographs - At the Unique October Convention
Volume 7, Number 8, December, 1951, 32 numbered pages - cover picture: Louis Tannen
Front Page Personalities - Louis Tannen
Legacy - Ken de Courcy
Can You Believe It? - Cyro
Three Thoughts - Corvello (Holland)
Call Your Friend
Caught Thoughts
the Stolen Centre
Russell Swann - cartoon profile
Splitting the Fans - Lewis Ganson
Tom Tit - Len Belcher
What's O'Clock - Norman Conquest
An Alyn Jones Page
Effects Using the Unique Visible Photo Change Frame
A Set Up for the Twentieth Century Silks - Alyn Jones
A Magazine Test - Ali Bongo
Publicity for the Magician - series by Will Dexter
Chapter Eight
Filing and Recording
Magical Journey - magic shop travels by Roy E. Short
Volume 7, Number 9, January, 1952, 32 numbered pages - cover picture: "Hen" Fetsch
Front Page Personalities - 'Hen' Fetsch
The Coins Vanish - Lewis Ganson
Utility Coin Catching - Rupert Gilbert
Two [Gerry] Findler Features
The Cat Burglar
Mystic Signs
Wand'N Rope - Ken de Courcy
Publicity for the Magician - series by Will Dexter
Chapter Nine
The Penetrating Coin - Cyro
Changing Room - Len Belcher
The Growing Tassel - Ali Bongo
Tom Seller's Subtleties
The "Slip-over" Coins
A Card from the Pocket
A Cigarette Switch
Comedy Silk Routine - Cyro
A Few More Bill Ellis "Snaps"
Unique Reflections - Harry Stanley, editor
Volume 7, Number 10, February, 1952, 32 numbered pages - cover picture: Gerrie Larsen
Front Page Personalities - Geraldine Larsen
Unique Day of Magic ... 20th January, 1952 - report with photographs - Harry Stanley
Johnny Geddees' Routine for Spot The Silks
Harold G. Beaumont - profile
Ali Baba - Harold G. Beaumont
Findler's Three Fold Pocket Book - Gerry Findler
Silk in Chancery - Len Belcher
Selexo - Len Belcher
A Challenge
Hot Light - Will Dexter
Publicity for the Magician - series by Will Dexter
Chapter Ten
The Galloping-Coin Card Discovery - Ken de Courcy
Jimmie's Unique Finale - Jimmie Bates
Burto's "Burnt and Restored Paper Strip - Lewis Ganson
Scientific Magic - Dennis Guest
Part I
Cutting The Aces - Tom Sellers
Unique Day of Magic ... 20th January, 1952 - report with photographs - Harry Stanley [continued]
Volume 7, Number 11, March, 1952, 32 numbered pages - cover picture: Kinson
Forging Ahead - letter from the editor, Harry Stanley
Front Page Personalities - Jack Kinson
Mary Kinson's 'Fan See Card' - Lewis Ganson
A Pocket Calculator - R. J. Fisher
Orb Hypnotic - Ken de Courcy
Publicity for the Magician - series by Will Dexter
Chapter Eleven
If I Were Presenting - series by George Blake
The Multi-Magic-Glass
The Rosette - [coin manipulation by] Alexander Elmsley
Bill Ellis Photographs Some More Convention Personalities
Seen Through the Window - Tom Sellers
Donkey's Tail - Len Belcher
The All-Seeing Eye - Dennis Patten
Two from Johnny Geddes
A Hat, Its Uses
"Elusive Pimpernel" in the Glasshouse
Fly_Silk - Arnold de Seiver
Volume 7, Number 12, April, 1952, 32 numbered pages - cover picture: Arthur Dowler
Editorial - Harry Stanley
Front Page Personalities - Arthur Dowler
Suddenly - A Cigarette - Milbourne Christopher (U.S.A.)
Harmandad - Corvelo (Holland)
Flower Finale - Gerry Findler
Spot Flight - Tom Sellers
Prolific Hen - Harold de Seiver
A Double Colour Change - E. H. Reid
Copper Capers - Arnold de Seiver
More Routined Manipulation - series by Lewis Ganson
Chapter 1
A Clear Case of Anti-Gravity
Publicity for the Magician - series by Will Dexter
Chapter Twelve
Spots! - Len Belcher
word count: 154301 which is equivalent to 617 standard pages of text
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Frequently bought together with:
The Gen Volume 8 (1952)
Harry Stanley & Lewis Ganson
The Gen Volume 10 (1954)
Harry Stanley & Lewis Ganson
The Gen Volume 6 (1950)
Harry Stanley & Lewis Ganson
The Gen Volume 5 (1949)
Harry Stanley & Lewis Ganson
The Gen Volume 3 (1947)
Harry Stanley & Lewis Ganson
The Gen Volume 2 (1946)
Harry Stanley & Lewis Ganson
The Gen Volume 18 (1962)
Harry Stanley & Lewis Ganson
The Gen Volume 16 (1960)
Harry Stanley & Lewis Ganson
The Gen Volume 15 (1959)
Harry Stanley & Lewis Ganson
The Gen Volume 12 (1956)
Harry Stanley & Lewis Ganson
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