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The Gift
by Unnamed Magician

#1 Magic & Mentalism author
#1 Cards author
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The Gift by Unnamed Magician

Another trick that fooled the best cardmen in the world.

"This is a fooler! The Unnamed Magician has created an impenetrable mystery that not even your magician friends will be able to figure out. It's really well constructed and how he gains the secret knowledge is ingenious!" - Marc Paul

"A truly diabolical method which will fool even the most knowledgeable of card magicians!" - Matt Baker

"There aren't many creators reaching the same standard as Unnamed Magician when it comes to creating real mind puzzling card effects; you need to be Alan Turing to break these codes. In this effect you are lured in with the first and second spectators' selections and then he leaves you dumbfounded with the method he uses to find both selected cards, in a mixed deck, which is done behind his back. It left me thinking, 'How the hell did he do that? He must have eyes in the back of his head!!!'" - Darren Purshall

"Once again the Unnamed Magician has wandered outside the box. 'The Gift' is a very clever effect designed to fool even the most perceptive audience." - Wes Schield

"'The Gift' is quite simply the most impossible card location that there is. Nothing tops it or even comes close to it. Just watch the demo video and ask yourself if you have even the faintest idea how the second card is located. I definitely had no ideas." - Tommaso Guglielmi

"The Unnamed Magician should change his pseudonym to The Magician Fooler. It amazes me how one person can produce so many outstanding magician foolers. Can't wait to see what the future brings." - Alexander Javier

"This is the kind of trick that someone can use to become a FISM champion. The author has put himself in the category of world-class magicians with this creation." - Kevin Schneider

"I would be willing to bet serious money that if you gathered a panel of famous magicians and sat them around a table to judge card tricks, not one of them would bust this trick. I used to own and operate a magic shop in the 1990s. I've already sent the video of the performance to some extremely well-read and known magicians that are in my friends circle from back then, and every single one of them was baffled. One of these magicians was actually popular for busting tricks in my shop back in the day, but he was unable to bust this one even after watching the video 6 times." - Tony Bianco

"If you thought 'The Exception' was fooling, then you don't know the true meaning of the word 'fooling' yet. 'The Gift' will show you what it means to truly fool someone." - Wayne Lesley

"When I saw the performance I suspected something had to be missing. One of the conditions had to be false. I was wrong... every condition is true." - Evan Collins

"It takes a special kind of brain to come up with something of this calibre." - James McGraw

Note: There is a special gift included, which I discuss below.

After The Exception I thought I couldn't create a more fooling routine. Those of you who own The Exception know by now that I've used it to fool some of the most well-known and most knowledgeable cardmen in the world. The feedback I received from that effect was enormously positive and I'm grateful to everyone for that. But it turned out that I was wrong about the fact that I couldn't create a more fooling routine - because the trick that this ebook is about (The Gift) has fooled more people.

I originally released The Exception as a $100 challenge / competition here - the first person to figure out the method was to be rewarded $100. However, no one who entered the competition managed to figure it out. The Gift I also originally released as a challenge / competition here - a $200 prize was to be rewarded to the first person who figured it out. Again, no one that entered the competition managed to figure it out.

Outside of competitions, a small handful of magicians managed to work out The Exception. However, the vast majority had no idea, and even the few that did work it out, it took them several days of thinking before they clicked upon the method. The Gift, on the other hand, no one has yet worked it out. Even the few who worked out The Exception have been fooled by it. For a long time, I'd been trying to create a trick that I could use to fool everyone (regardless of how knowledgeable of a magician they may be). The Exception didn't quite achieve that tall order of fooling everyone, but The Gift did (at least so far).

My magician friends who I taught the method asked me to not share it with the magic community. They believe the secret is too good to be shared. But I'm not one to keep secrets - I've never been that way, and that's not about to change now. So this effect is my "gift" to you. I'm very excited to share it with you all, and I hope you all enjoy it.

It is a double behind-the-back card location effect. That is, two cards are selected and lost by the spectators, and they are located blindly behind the magician's back. There isn't a need for an effect description because a friend of mine has taken the liberty to demo a full performance with a spectator. Before you watch the video though, here are some conditions to keep in mind:

  • The spectators can fully examine the deck (front and back) at the beginning of the effect to ensure that it's a regular deck (and it really is). So they can check the deck to make sure it contains no duplicates and no gaffs / gimmicks (and it really doesn't). Once they're done examining the deck, then the effect can begin.
  • There are no electronic devices (cameras, etc.) of any kind; there are no reflective surfaces (mirrors, etc.) of any kind; and there are no secret assistants.
  • There are no forces - both selections are free choices.

The first condition is the most noteworthy one. The deck isn't gaffed or gimmicked in any way. There are no tactile markings whatsoever (no punched cards, no short cards, etc.), so there is nothing that physically differentiates one card from another. In fact, there isn't even so much so as a crimp/bend in any of the cards (which would be a form of tactile marking). It's a completely normal deck and the spectators can verify that at the beginning.

In addition to learning the method behind the effect that you see in the video, you will learn three other (completely different) methods for accomplishing a nearly identical effect. So several methods are taught in the ebook - there is something for everyone here.

As an extra gift, if you buy this, you will receive the following two ebooks of mine for free: Behind the Back Divination and Behind the Back Location. Since both of these also have a behind-the-back theme (like The Gift), I decided to give them away as a bonus. So you'd essentially be receiving three ebooks for the price of one.

1st edition 2024, PDF 29 pages.
word count: 11757 which is equivalent to 47 standard pages of text