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The Gimmick MagiZette: Volume 2, Issue 4 (Feb - Apr 2013)
by Solyl Kundu


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The Gimmick MagiZette: Volume 2, Issue 4 (Feb - Apr 2013) by Solyl Kundu

We all at TGM used to prompt a slogan to each other that "Never Late - Always Great!" Although, this fourth issue of TGM has beaten his own record and is a bit late - nevertheless, is as 'Great' as all other previous issues, in addition full of 'meats'. Just read about the contents and judge yourself.

  • Let's have a chat – where Solyl thinks over reasons of TGM current issue being late!
  • Past glory of India covers the life and magical journey of Dr. Kali Kankar Bannerjee - fascinating!
  • Books Reviewed - this column by Joel A Moskowitz narrates The Show Doctor" by Jeff McBride, and "How to read anyone's mind" by Gerry McCambridge - interesting reading.
  • Did You Know that - tells you the 13 fascinating facts about the magical personality John Wade, interesting indeed.
  • Crossword Puzzle - section covers a Tricky Teaser this time compiled by Derek Lowrence. You will have much fun with this one.
  • MagicXposed - the much awaited - worth waiting column explains 6 (yes, SIX) audience-tested magic effects for the doers …
    1. Cocktail Mix-up by Kakinada Sreenivas is a fantastic close-up caper. As if that is not enough - Guy Townsend adds some spices; see for yourself!
    2. Fabian's One-Two-Three-Four is a cunning Card Caper for the Connoisseurs of cards.
    3. Instant Reversal Revisited is another card caper by Guy M Townsend that is another but interesting approach to an effect already adorned the pages of a past issue of TGM.
    4. My Botania is yet another showy but inexpensive-to-make parlor magic by Gora Datta which is worth-trying!
    5. Half Binding by Aldo Colombini is a simple but startling money magic that we expect from Aldo.
    6. Sugar Free Card Caper by Solyl Kundu is also card magic that some might find worth doing - 'good strolling magic', some say.
  • News And Views Around the Magicdom – in fact covers some news about Indian magic Scene. Apart those there are Cartoons, Gags etceteras making this issue #4 of volume #2 - the value for your money.
Editor: Salil Kumar "Solyl" Kundu. E-mail: and

37 Pages.
word count: 8761 which is equivalent to 35 standard pages of text