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The Gimmick MagiZette: Volume 3, Issue 4 (Feb - Apr 2014)
by Solyl Kundu

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The Gimmick MagiZette: Volume 3, Issue 4 (Feb - Apr 2014) by Solyl Kundu

It's a pleasance to introduce the fourth issue of volume three of TGM that is full of informative and mattering to reading - literally. Particularly look through the MagiXposed section where you will find the excellent effects which you can easily make and use. However, there are a lot more, go on reading ...

  • Let's have a chat: Solyl talks frankly whatever he has in mind.
  • Magic as entertainment: by Harold Taylor is an installment from his book of the same title.
  • Past Glory of India: featuring Uma Das Gupta - jounalist/magicianne of bygone days.
  • Indian Occultism - the Rope Trick and other Phenomena: by Major G.H. Rooke part of a new interting series.

    MagiXposed reveals ...

  • E.T. (Extra-terrestrial) - by John Teo is an offbeat "no playing card" card caper suitable for all-aged audience.
  • (Very Nearly Sleightless) Wild Card Routine - by Guy Townsend is almost exactly what the name suggests.
  • A Match Problem - by Fabian is an effect using only some matchsticks or the like - fascinating.
  • Made For Each Other - by Solyl Kundu is a cunning card caper.
  • One Out of the Three - by Aldo Colombini is a coin effect with 'Colombini Touch'.
  • Silky Prediction 2.0 - by 'Kakinada' Sreenivas is an interesting prediction using silks.
  • Forbidden Fruit - by Jack Bridwell is an easy, entertaining effect.
  • "Wonder - ing" Notions - by Gora Datta explains two small effects having big impact - outstanding!

    Miscellaneous section contains a variety of sorts of things:

  • Broken Wand - Aldo Colombini
  • MagiCartoon by Johnny Cooper and more
  • Photo Quiz
  • Puzzle Time
  • Quotable Quotes
  • An Appeal etc.

  • News and Views depict the activities of Indian Magic and Magicians with photographs.
Edited by Salil Kumar "Solyl" Kundu. E-mail: and/or

41 pages
word count: 13107 which is equivalent to 52 standard pages of text