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The Heathen Devices
by Bob Cassidy

#3 Mentalism & Spiritism author
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The Heathen Devices by Bob Cassidy

Bob Cassidy teaches a three part routine where each part's method cancels the other to leave the audience without a clue to how this is possible. One of the methods used is an adaptation of a Royal Heath idea. Thus the name of this ebook. The methods are very general and can be adopted to many personalized and customized routines.

"I believe that The Heathen Devices are my greatest contribution to close-up mentalism." - Bob Cassidy

Here are just a few of the limitless applications made possible by the Heathen techniques and devices:

A spectator is handed several dice - anywhere from two to five - and rolls them to create a random number. In fact, he doesn't have to roll them if he doesn't want to, he can put them down anyway he likes. He can change any of the numbers and rearrange them at random. He can even do it when the performer's back is turned. (The dice, by the way, can be examined forever - they are perfectly fair.)


He can even write a prediction of the final total beforehand and give it to a spectator for safekeeping. No nailwriting or switching is used. The performer never touches the prediction after it is written.

The Heathen techniques are not limited to numbers. The mentalist can predict any city freely selected from an unprepared Atlas (or a remote-viewing target book), a freely selected zodiac sign, a word from a dictionary or any book a spectator provides.

And just about anything else he cares to force - anytime and any place.

The Heathen devices are a unique combination of logical disconnects, a few completely invisible and foolproof moves, and what has to be the absolutely coolest collection of secret devices you have ever seen. The selections seem so utterly fair and direct that forcing and/or peeking would seem to be out of the question.

With the Heathen Devices, the mentalist may force virtually anything he wants to - yet the selections appear to be absolutely fair.

1st edition 2006; 24 pages + video clip + graphics files