The format follows Gregg's established style of illustrations and hand-lettered text. The material is classic Gregg Webb.
"I found the latest E-books from Gregg Webb, S.O.H.O., The Shade, and Lizard Wizard's Diary, to be refreshingly different. The books are "hand-written" in journal style and contain simple but clear illustrations. Not only are they a fun read, but also contain top notch practical magic." - John Luka
- 4 Word
- 1 Ping Chien
- One-way Pip
- Wee-Jah
- Coin Productions
- The "Real Work" on Vanishing a Card or Block of Cards
- Torn and Restored Cards Revisited
- Another Torn and Restored Card
- A Platform Coin Trick
- A Platform Linking Cards
- Production of 1st Billiard Ball
- Diminishing Cards Redux
- Jumping Shuttle Pass for Billiard Balls
1st edition 2019, 40 pages.
word count: 205 which is equivalent to 0 standard pages of text