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The Mysterious Twin's Call
by Biagio Fasano

#1 in Italian (italiano) author
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The Mysterious Twin's Call by Biagio Fasano

A new semi-automatic card magic effect where a spectator, from a shuffled deck, randomly chooses a card from among twenty red or black cards, and the magician, after shuffling them, first discovers the suit and, after an ensuing "successive elimination ritual" will be left with only one card in his hands: unbelievably just the twin of the chosen card! Hence the "The Mysterious Twin's Call."

A virtually self-working card magic effect in which a spectator, from an openly shuffled deck on view, chooses whether to play with red or black cards. The illusionist draws all the cards of that color, except for the figures. He shuffles them further together and then has a kind lady cut and choose secretly one card at will. He shuffles again and deals the remaining cards in bulk, still holding the cards face down. Finally, he asks what suit her own card is of, but leaving her, however, the power to lie secretly, if she wants to.

The magician turns over the card at the top of the deck and finds out the truth anyway! Not only that, but just by spelling out the named suit, he eliminates a card each time until he is left with only one card in his hands, which he hands to the spectator asking her to turn it over along with her own chosen card.

1st edition 2024, PDF 6 pages.
word count: 2720 which is equivalent to 10 standard pages of text