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The Psychology of Magic
by Bill Nagler MD


(3 reviews, 6 customer ratings) ★★★★

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The Psychology of Magic by Bill Nagler MD

#1 in Audio top-reviews

Dr. Bill Nagler is a psychologist and he provides a psychologist's in depth view of the world of magic. The information is radical and instructive.Why do top magicians rarely earn the sums of money that top stars in other entertainment fields earn? Why do some people hate magic so much? What is basically wrong with most people's approach to magic?

Find out for yourself and be prepared to be startled and perhaps end up changed in your attitude to magic. Bill includes his full close up act which helped him to pay his way through medical school. You'll see that he is not just a theorist!

This is a licensed reproduction of the famous Magicassette series created by Martin Breese - now owned by

Reviewed by Joel Howlett (confirmed purchase)
★★★★★   Date Added: Monday 24 April, 2023

I am very happy with this purchase. Bill Nagler shares his feelings that the old saying "It's Fun To Be Fooled" may not be true! He goes into details on how a magician can change his or her approach and presentations to win over an audience. Bill gives a detailed explanation of his own close up act.

Five Stars! Thank you Bill Nagler and for making this available.

Reviewed by Rajat Mittal (confirmed purchase)
★★★★★   Date Added: Friday 24 July, 2015

I think its important to find out that only the first 30 minutes of this audio talks about "the psychology of magic". The second 30 minutes describes the author's close-up restaurant routine. The description of the routine is interesting, as it is well thought out, and there are some interesting variations to standard marketed tricks. This was somewhat different to my expectations. I expected about 50 minutes on theory, with maybe a slightly nod to his current routine at the end, by way of illustrating the theory.

On the first 30 minutes, Dr Nagler discusses one very specific aspect the performer-audience relationship. He makes the point that at a fundamental psychological level, people don't like being fooled and this causes resentment and other negative attitudes towards magicians. He then offers four (and a half) strategies that a magician can use to work around this problem. Some of these ideas are found in other books on magical theory, but nevertheless, Dr Nagler does add some interesting ideas to the discussion.

Reviewed by Peter Prevos (confirmed purchase)
★★★★★   Date Added: Friday 20 January, 2012

Every magician should listen to this tape. Bill Nagler provides an excellent explanation HOW to ensure that audiences do not see you as a simple trickster, but as an entertainer.


This product is listed under the following topics:

Magic & Mentalism / Theory, Articles & Reviews

Magic & Mentalism / Audio / Martin Breese Audio