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The Real Secrets of Card Magic
by Paul Gordon


(3 reviews, 3 customer ratings) ★★★★★

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The Real Secrets of Card Magic by Paul Gordon
This product is also part of:

Tips, Advice, Thoughts, Experience, The Business, Patter, Presentation, Acting, Skills & More

"The book is called The Real Secrets of Card Magic but it should more accurately be titled The Real Secrets of Being a Professional Magical Entertainer. In this new volume, Paul Gordon offers wisdom that could only be gained through years of actually performing magic for real people for his living. If you feel that you have a commercial repertoire of material and can present it in an entertaining fashion, The Real Secrets of Card Magic will surely help you to the next plateau of becoming a professional magician." - Jim Sisti

This is an updated and abridged version of Paul's 2008 hardcopy book, The Real Secrets of Card Magic. It's a light-hearted look what he does and how he does it. However you view it, it's meant to inspire you and offer you some advice as to how to work in this racket as either a hobbyist or professional.

1st digital edition 2013, 33 A4 pages.

Reviewed by Tony Barrant
★★★★★   Date Added: Thursday 22 May, 2014

Yes. Solid advice, tips and help from a true pro. Paul Gordon's TRSOCM is a gem. If you want to 'get on' in this business, this book is the best available. Go get a copy. I highly recommend it.

Reviewed by Paul Lelekis
★★★★★   Date Added: Wednesday 15 January, 2014

Paul Gordon has a flair for creating easy-to-do, engaging card magic - brilliantly constructed! I have adopted a number of his routines in my repertoire and they play extremely well! When you check this e-book out, you'll see what I mean! Buy this e-book - it contains some great magic!

Reviewed by Dave Barby
★★★★★   Date Added: Tuesday 14 January, 2014

This was recommended to my by J. C Wagner and I thank God it was. It really has helped me on my personal journey to becoming a professional magician. Great tips, advice and thoughts. Mr. Gordon is a top pro and in The Real Secrets of Card Magic, he tells us and teaches us. It's the best book of its type. It's easy to read but full of impact.