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Paul Gordon Bundle 2
by Paul Gordon


(2 reviews, 2 customer ratings) ★★★★★

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Paul Gordon Bundle 2 by Paul Gordon

A 30% price reduced bundle of card magic ebooks.

Reviewed by Tom Style
★★★★★   Date Added: Thursday 23 October, 2014

My favorites here include Explorations and The Real Secrets of Card Magic. The former contains great thinking based around some smart math-based magic and Real Secrets will help any budding performer. Astounding value.

Reviewed by Peter Pritchard
★★★★★   Date Added: Sunday 31 August, 2014

The Unexpected Card Book and Explorations are the highlights here. The tricks are all easy to semi advanced...which means I can do them. I saw Harry Lorayne do a couple of them in New York and he said they were that good they were going to be in his (then) new book, Best Of Friends 3. Anyway...I highly recommend this bundle. Thank you Mr. Gordon.

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