This work is primarily interesting to the magician due to its exposure of cheating methods at baccarat including sleight-of-hand techniques. These are explained in detail including photos.
Read this book, read it carefully. The man who wrote it, though lacking in talent, is sure of what he says, and says nothing he can’t prove. Once having read the book, go to the casino and look on, for the summer season is near. Look about you, ask questions, investigate, and you’ll soon acquire the conviction that you’re being robbed and that, into the bargain, they’re laughing at you, for without the slightest error in this respect, to the proprietor, his staff, and the dangerous cheat, the public is nothing more than suckers, my good friends, nothing more than poor suckers. Have the courage to recognize it, desert the club and casino, and I’m willing to bet my last sou that, the tax on gambling becoming less productive, His Excellency, the Minister of the Interior, in accord with his honorable colleague, the Minister of Finance, will not tire in finding reasons of a moral order conducive to the virtuous abrogation of the immoral decree of June 18, 1806, that execrable product of tyranny as everyone knows. But for this it is indespensable that you make the effort to save yourself.