$19.50(3 reviews, 5 customer ratings) ★★★★★
This product is also part of: An ebook of 56 late extra, new (and previously unpublished), unusual, unplanned but darned-good card tricks!
Paul Gordon doesn't (often) use fakes, extra cards, big set-ups and/or angley moves. And, he doesn't use second deals, bottom deals ...
- A Veritable Jaw-Dropper
- Four-Ace Puzzler
- Merely Thought-of Card Miracle
- Partial Faro Sandwich
- The Exploration
- The World's Most Incredible Card Trick
- Three Some
- Memory, Estimation & Magic
- Double - Quadruple Revelation
- All The Fours
- Ten To Royal Flush
- For The Boys # 2
- The Five 'n' Aces
- Betwixt and Between
- Sher-locked Holmes
- He's Behind You
- "Seven Plus" A Whole Lot More
- More Maths & Magic
- Insert Straight And Square Flush
- The World's Best Ever Card Trick # 2
- Penelope's Distant Cousin
- Aces For Aussies
- Diminishing Twister
- The Clock Runs Down Again
- My Magic Card
- Hot Flush
- Dodgy Sandwich
- It Was A Very Good Year
- Red-Nose Day
- The China Syndrome
- The Three-Pile Enquiry
- The Dudeney Principle, Plus!
- Dudeney's Baby Boy
- Tipsy Aces
- The Biggest Liar Of All
- Now, That Was Fast!
- Faro Flush Out
- Ace Tumblers!
- Pseudo Smyth's Myth
- Naff All!
- Squeaky-Clean Cannibals
- Crave For Craven
- The Unwanted Visitor
- Face-up 16th Card Fooler
- Dicing With Death
- Very Odd Sandwich
- Stepping-Stone Force
- Cincinnati's At It Again
- Cincinnati 45212
- Those Leaping Aces!
- Downright Disgusting!
- The Sign Of The Devil
- South By Southwest
- The Rise And Fall Of The Kings
- What The %$*!
- Now You're Talking!
1st edition 2007, 1st digital edition 2014, 174 pages.
word count: 37369 which is equivalent to 149 standard pages of text
Reviewed by Frank Daniel
★★★★★ Date Added: Wednesday 05 February, 2014This book contains nothin but kick ass magic. It's a frigging bargain. 56 tricks for under twenty bucks! Having seen much of the material performed on YouTube, I knew I gotta get it. It's a favorite. Frankie.
Reviewed by Roger Crosthwaite
★★★★★ Date Added: Sunday 19 January, 2014I am both a friend and admirer of Paul Gordon. His magic is quite marvellous. No, he doesn't overly fling his fingers - although I know he can - but what he does is produce wonderfully commercial pieces of Card Magic. I believe The Unplanned Card Book is one of his best. Highly recommended. A joyous ride.
Reviewed by Tim Smith
★★★★★ Date Added: Saturday 18 January, 2014Hooray. I have been begging Paul Gordon to re-release this gem. I wanted to buy it as a 'proper' book but it sold out. Thank goodness it's now available as an ebook. Aldo Colombini told me he likes it and I once saw a top review by my hero Peter Duffie. As I said, hoo-blinking-ray! :)