This is a quick, easy, direct, and impactful propless routine that you can easily carry in your head at all times, ready to deploy whenever you want. The entire routine takes up about 45 seconds to under a minute.
Based on the linked thoughts premise, you take your participant on a mental journey across the various continents of the world and you are able to impossibly reveal the country where the mental journey ends, to the utter surprise of your participant.
There are 3 routines explained. Your participant needs to have a mobile phone which can search Google. Or you can lend your phone to your participant to search Google. There are no apps of any kind. No progressive anagrams, no math, no psychological forces and no dual reality. No sleights, no pre show and no stooges or instant stooges. No peeks, no one ahead, no multiple outs and nothing is written down. Everything happens in the participant's mind secretly.
This is very easy, very direct, self-working, and as propless as can be.
Update 1 - The owners of Think Link can now download Think Link Ver 2.0 from their digital shelf wherein a couple of routines based on the theme of USA States have been added (page 27 and following in the PDF).
1st edition 2024, PDF 15 pages.
word count: 4427 which is equivalent to 17 standard pages of text