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Thought Trajectory
by Unknown Mentalist

#2 Mentalism & Spiritism author

(1 customer rating) ★★★★★

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Thought Trajectory by Unknown Mentalist
"This is virtual magic, mentalism and theory at its very best. You are a real deep thinker" - Marc Salem
This is a pure propless effect. You can perform this over a voice phone call, video call, face to face, close up, parlor etc. It can be performed anytime, anywhere to anyone. Nothing for you to carry except the almost self working method in your head.

As the name suggests, Thought Trajectory is an effect which is like a chain of thoughts in the mind of the participant. The mind reader is not aware of the starting point, nor the process, nor the end result, apparently. Everything happens in the mind of the participant. The participant does not give anything away in any way. Yet, the end result, when revealed by the mind reader will stun the participant in a very unexpected manner.

The climax can be very visual if you choose that option in performance. No equivoque, no multiple outs, no dual reality, no pre show, no stooges or instant stooges, no electronics, no apps. Just you, the participant, the phone call and the impact.

A propless path breaking combination of classic principles. This is really a 100$ idea being released as a 3$ surprise, given the present global situation.

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1st edition 2020, PDF 18 pages.
word count: 3399 which is equivalent to 13 standard pages of text