These are physical products that will be shipped to you. You get two beautifully produced plastic cards which are approximately the size of a bank credit/debit card. These should last you a lifetime with reasonable care. The accompanying PDF can be downloaded instantly from your digital shelf.
This routine can be performed both close up and also over a video call or in a virtual show. Using a single double blank business card, you can divine a freely thought of playing card. The participant does not say anything and she does not write anything down. She thinks of a playing card mentally and silently. There are no peeks, sleights or anagrams involved. The method is self working. You can end up by leaving your business card as a souvenir (in case you are doing close up).
You can do this as a divination effect or a prediction effect. Several alternative ideas, an additional kicker phase, and a cool bonus routine are included. No equivoque, no dual reality, no pre show, no stooges or instant stooges, no electronics, no apps. Just you, the participant, the card and the impact.
An innovative path breaking combination of classic principles. This is really a 100$ idea being released as a 3$ surprise, given the present global situation.
[Note: The PDF has a non-white background.]
1st edition 2020, PDF 16 pages.