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Three (Daniel Madison)
by Daniel Madison

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Three (Daniel Madison) by Daniel Madison

Deception, subterfuge, sleight of hand: 30 entries, 171 illustrations, 37 pages, 1 in depth lesson on the deceptive sleights of Daniel Madison.

  • An introduction to III by Daniel Madison
  • An introduction to III by Chris Alexander
  • The D Double - A rotating double lift from the center of the deck
  • The M Double - A rotating double lift from the center of the deck with a one-handed opened
  • Mad Tenkai Steal - A technique for stealing a card into Tenkai-palm from the bottom of the deck with one hand
  • Inverse MTS - An inverted MTS [Mad Tenkai Steal] reversing the top card into a face up Tenkai from a face-down deck – all with one hand
  • Mad Tenkai Cut - A method for controlling a cut card to the top of the deck
  • The Snap Delay - A cunning color change utilizing the Snap Change
  • Pressure Shot - A shoot-out/pop move that causes the card to flip as opposed to spin
  • Time Transpo - A very fast transposition that happens between two cards on top of two different packets
  • Roll Load - A sly loading technique for any sandwich effect
  • 4 Off - A four-card production
  • Crawl Control - A simple method for controlling a selected card to the bottom of the deck
  • Table Twist - A color-change that happens with a tabled/surfaced deck
  • Base Change - A simple color-change based on the Table Twist principal
  • CUF - The selected card appears under spectators’ foot
  • PK Peek - A method for peeking the bottom card
  • D2C - Deck to Ceiling
  • 50/50 - The spectator deals a pair or any two force cards
  • 40/60 - The spectator sandwiches their own selection without the performer touching the deck
  • Boxing M - The spectators signed card is found fully sealed in a new deck
  • Capture - The performer causes a photo of a selected card to change on a spectators’ camera phone
  • Back2Base - A method for stealing the bottom card – cunning alternative to the Gamblers Cop
  • Ghost Sandwich - A very visual sandwich effect
  • Ripfree - A very powerful torn and restored card
  • Spade Control - A method for controlling a selected card to the bottom of the deck
  • Base Jump - A shoot-out of a controlled card from a stretch/reach cut – Hot-Shot-Cut alternative
  • Half Switch - A sneaky method for controlling a selected card to the top of the deck
  • Backspace - A card vanish from an open palm
  • The Kelly Psych - An intricate method for controlling a selected card to the bottom of the deck
  • Revolver - A method for stealing a controlled card to the pocket / controlling a selected card to the top of the deck
  • Cameo 2 - A power-sandwich routine
1st edition 2008; 38 pages.
word count: 9954 which is equivalent to 39 standard pages of text