These effects are creations by Didier Dupré. After the DVD Cartemania, the DVD that made Didier famous all over the world, we now present three more routines from this clever French magician. You will love them and we predict you will use them all the time. They all use regular cards.
- JOKER INVERSION: Four blue-backed Jokers turn around several times changing direction (at the beginning they are oriented towards the performer, then towards the spectators and then again towards the performer). At the end, they change into four Jokers with different colored backs. Everything can be examined.
- EXTRA OIL POKER: A routine with a stunning climax. You show a packet of cards with four Aces of Spades and another pile with four Aces of Hearts. The eight Aces are shuffled together making two packets with four Aces each. From one packet a spectator picks an Ace (say it is the Ace of Hearts). This is placed with the other four-card pile. The three remaining cards are shown to be all Aces of Spades. The five-card packet is seen to be…. A Royal Flush in Hearts.
- PROGRESSIVE SANDWICH: A FREELY selected card is lost in the deck. A Joker is placed at the bottom of the deck and another one on the top. You vanish the Jokers one by one and they are now closer, in the middle of the deck, but still with several cards in between them. You square the deck, spread the cards again and now only one card is between the Jokers. Yes, it is the selection. This selected card is removed, replaced in the middle of the deck and, sure enough, it reappears between the Jokers.