Tom Phoenix
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If you are Tom Phoenix, a family member, or friend, and you would like to claim and edit this author page, please do the following:
Here is a collection of Open Prediction methods, for the working mentalist or magician. Each method is clean, using no gimmicks.
These methods employ unorthodox techniques, and will take some practice. Since only sleight-of-hand is required, you no longer need to carry extra gimmicks or special decks to perform this type of effect. A spectator makes a free selection, the selection is replaced, and is then shown to match your prediction.
Four methods are included. Each one is 100% clean. You can use a borrowed, shuffled deck. There are no gimmicks, no R/S, no SF, and no sticky stuff. These...
With this method, you can magically fold an origami bird in record time, animate drawings, or change your predictions. There are 3 applications included, though I'm sure you will think of more. And the box can be shown empty before and after the magic happens.
This includes:
1st edition 2018, length 30 min
We all see those emails telling us about "the best trick of 2016".... even though we've received 10 of those emails this year. And it's only July.
Anyway, this effect amazes audiences, and fries the brains of spectators who try to figure it out.
You will learn:
1st edition 2017, length 13 min
Here's an open prediction effect, which requires no gimmicks, no convoluted setup, and very few sleights.
You will learn several applications of the method, including, but not limited to:
1st edition 2017, length 20 min
Two devious peek devices for mentalists.
Every mentalist needs an arsenal of peek methods, be that a device, or a folding peek. The Peeks of Chaos contains two peek devices, each using the card box: the "Mockra Peek", and the "Meanas Peek". Each method is very deceptive, and the peek happens at a natural moment, with no funny movements.
1st edition 2017, length 30 min
This is a completely clean, Mate-At-Any-Number routine, using 2 decks. Oh, and no forcing.
What you're getting:
1st edition 2017, length 25 min
Imagine this:
1st edition 2017, length 18 min
This is a series of methods for taking a spectator-shuffled deck and sorting it into piles of red and black - while blindfolded.
And one of the methods (as shown in the demo) gives you the ability to identify the suit and value of each card of a borrowed, shuffled deck, requiring no memorization.
There are six methods in total, three of which use "special" decks (can still be used for your other card magic), and the other two use borrowed decks. All of them can be done blindfolded.
1st edition 2017, length 29 min
This is a collection of 10 ACAAN and plot variation methods. It covers subconscious predictions, Si work, and other such shenanigans.
Here is a list of the contents:
Predestination - A deck is shuffled by the spectator, and a card is thought of. The participant deals cards until they find the one they thought of. You have predicted the exact position it was found in. No forces involved, and nothing is said out-loud by the participant. Oh, and you can perform this blindfolded.
True ACAAN - No stooges, forces, trick decks, etc. It requires work, but it's not hard to do, and is entirely...
Do a color change, while the card is on fire!
This is a really nice color change, with the added touch of changing a burning card into a different burning card. Included is a method to make the first card travel from the deck, into the box. The change will take some practice, as it uses some un-orthodox moves, but is well within the skill of the average card handler.
1st edition 2016, length 10 minutes.
This is a fun, interesting effect, in which a free selection multiplies itself, leaving you with 3 of the same selection. It ends with a 3 card change, followed by a surprising transposition!
This is entirely clean, requires no forces, and is sure to astonish and amaze your audience.
This is a two phase mentalism/card magic effect, involving a couple transpositions; both begin in the mind, then manifest into the physical. It's a fun and fairly simple routine that packs a punch and will have your participants wondering.
The first phase is an in-the-hands transposition of two spectator signed cards, and the second phase is a mental transposition of thought and a physical transformation of material.
Two Deck Switches for the workers.
This is the evolution of the MIQa Box 3.0, including the previous two versions. This box allows you to easily switch one deck for another, under the guise of starting to put the deck away or putting the box off to the side. It's a very natural movement, without the discrepancies of other devices.
There are two versions included. Both of them work very well, so you choose which one you like better.
[Don't forget to download the PDF that goes along with this video from your digital shelf.]
1st edition 2016, length 36 min.
Turn your card box into a devilishly sneaky peek device!
It takes 3 minutes and 42 seconds to make, and requires no special materials.
Two applications are taught in detail:
1st edition 2015, 9 pages.
Be ready for Halloween.
This is a dark, multi-phase routine perfect for anyone who appreciates magic with a more sinister tone.