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Tricks To Go 4
by Werner Miller & Aldo Colombini


(2 customer ratings) ★★★★★

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Tricks To Go 4 by Werner Miller & Aldo Colombini

Here is a selection of tricks created by Werner Miller from his ebooks. These are all tricks that can be considered more or less self-working.


  • DO NOT DISTURB: Here is Werner's version of the classic Hotel Mystery, totally self-working.
  • EQUIVALENT: A new principle. Cards are dealt in packets and one is selected by a spectator. The card on top indicates the sum of the cards below the other piles.
  • LINE DANCER: A freely selected card is revealed using a reversed card.
  • MOITIÉ, MOITIÉ: A very interesting routine using five Clubs cards cut in the middle.
  • AND HER SON: A selected card is lost among the four Queens and the four Jacks and found by a magical spelling.
  • SIX HEARTS, SIX SPADES: From a packet of 12 cards, the spectator picks one. He answers a question and, using the answer, the mate of that card is located.
  • THIS SUIT, THAT VALUE: You show two decks. From one deck eight cards are selected and used to make up a hypothetical card and a number. When spreading the other deck, this card is found at that number.
  • SPELL THE 4MULA: The spectator selects four different cards and decides on any of them. You spell the name and find the other three cards of that value.
  • DC SPELLER: Two selected cards are found using the help of the spectators who selected them.
  • IN BETWEEN: A written prediction is left in view. A selected card appears between two other cards with a surprising outcome!

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Magic & Mentalism

Magic & Mentalism / DVD (download+stream)