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Two Vernon Classics & Revisiting the Overhand Lift Shuffle
by Gerald Edmundson

#2 Balls, Eggs, Dice & Cups author

(1 review, 3 customer ratings) ★★★

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Two Vernon Classics & Revisiting the Overhand Lift Shuffle by Gerald Edmundson

Some aficionados consider Dai Vernon's "Out of Sight-Out of Mind" from More Inner Secrets of Card Magic the best mindreading trick with an ordinary deck of cards. They may be right. Since the spectator does not remove a card from the deck but only thinks of a card, it makes a terrific mindreading trick. Erdnase explores the principle in "A Mindreading Trick" in Expert at the Card Table. Vernon used the principle to construct his trick.

Gerald keeps the exact effect of Vernon's original trick. In "Only in Your Mind", he uses adaptations of the Overhand Lift Shuffle and constructs a completely different handling of the trick. In keeping with the "Sleight-of-Hand for the Real World" approach, he adapts the sleights and procedures for "real world" performances under demanding conditions. Some handlings of the Lift Shuffle and its uses differ from those described in Royal Road to Card Magic. Gerald includes an explanation of his treatment of the sleight and some of its uses.

Vernon based his "The Fingerprint Card Trick" on the "Dick Tracy Card Trick" by Clyde F. Cairy from the fine book, My Best. Vernon's patter theme makes the trick hard to resist. Inspired by Vernon's trick, Gerald's friend Lonnie Chevrie had an excellent idea for handing out a souvenir card to a spectator. Using the idea, Gerald worked out his version explained in the "Souvenir Fingerprint Card Trick". It became one of Gerald's favorite card tricks for the laity.

1st edition 2022, PDF 18 pages.
word count: 6436 which is equivalent to 25 standard pages of text

Reviewed by Frederick Straub (confirmed purchase)
★★★★★   Date Added: Sunday 19 June, 2022

Firstly, allow me a brief introduction: I am by no means a performance quality sleight of hand magician; I am a retired attorney which makes me a performance quality sleight of mind magician! I recommend this read quite highly! Gerald Edmundson simplifies the method for constructing these masterful tricks to produce Dai Vernon's ultimate effects. I find it refreshing when a real professional opens the vault to allow this novice to learn more simple approaches. The reading required me to research Dai Vernon and his construction, but it urged me to do so unforced and eagerly. The KISS method the author uses and more respectfully calls "Sleight-of-Hand for the Real World," removes a large barrier that has prevented this old, disabled barrister from pursuing magic as both a pastime and part-time profession. Thanks for a great read!