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Vortex: an incredible routine using two regular decks of cards
by Aldo Colombini

#1 in Italian (italiano) author
#1 DVD (download+stream) author
#2 Cards author
#3 Magic & Mentalism author
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Vortex: an incredible routine using two regular decks of cards by Aldo Colombini

A small ebook but what exciting contents! The routine uses just two regular decks of cards. Lewis Ganson on the pages of Magigram wrote,

"This is a really super 'Do as I do' routine. The routine starts in the classic way and then enlarges on the theme; the spectator and performer continuing to match cards from their respective decks until a whole series of apparent coincidences have occurred. The final display of matched cards is both amazing and spectacular."

The effect: A spectator freely selects a card from, say, a red-backed deck and the performer removes a card from a blue-backed deck. When turned over, the two cards are seen to be the same value and suit. Next the performer and the spectator simultaneously find SIX pairs of cards. For the climax to the routine, they find the eight Aces! Ebook with 13 photographes; use any two decks as they are regular ones.

1st edition 2009; 10 pages
word count: 1952 which is equivalent to 7 standard pages of text