One dozen and one master card effects that anyone can do.
Excerpt from the introduction:
Every trick has been taken from my own repertoire, and performers all over the world have unanimously attested that the effects are practical.
- Foreword
- Introduction
- Perplexo
- "A-Cee-O" - A Four Ace Effect
- Do As I Do
- The "El-El" Master Four Ace Effect
- Would You Believe It?
- Spelling Made Easy
- "Reverso"
- Tower Bridge
- "Coloro" - The Colour Changing Pack Of Cards
- "Alice In Wonderland"
- The Movie Colour Cards
- When Were You Born?
- It Pays To Advertise
1st edition 1935, 21 pages; PDF 21 pages.
word count: 8079 which is equivalent to 32 standard pages of text