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by Louis Lam

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Mentalla by Louis Lam

The performer either goes amongst the audience or invites six people on the stage. From a pack of playing cards, six cards are dealt to each of the six people. They are requested to select one card and to place same in their inside pocket. The remaining cards are gathered and thoroughly shuffled and the performer does not handle the cards anymore. At no time does the performer know which cards have been selected. A number of boards with cards on them are now exhibited and shown to spectators. They are to say "yes" when they see their own card, and the performer immediately announces correctly the name of the card. This is done with all six persons. Even a spectator could show the boards to the persons who have selected the cards, and whereas the performer is far away, he is still in a position to mention the cards.

1st edition 1937, 8 pages; PDF 5 pages.
word count: 1886 which is equivalent to 7 standard pages of text