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Zingo Bingo
by Dave Arch

#3 Paper & Paper Money author

(1 customer rating) ★★★★★

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Zingo Bingo by Dave Arch

With thanks to Leo Behnke for the initial concept from his book Corporate Presentations and his permission to share it here, this has proven itself an energy producing closer for many of my corporate shows over the past twenty-five years.

The magician proposes a fun game of Bingo to close his program, and Bingo cards are distributed to everyone in the audience. As the magician hosts the game - drawing and calling the numbers, audience members begin to cross out squares on their Bingo sheets with each person crossing out different squares from those around them. Due to the fact that there are sixteen completely different cards distributed throughout the room, no one is sitting next to someone with an identical card. Consequently, no one has any suspicion about what's to happen.

Suddenly, as the magician calls off one of the numbers, everyone in the audience jumps to their feet together and shouts "BINGO!"

"As I suspected," the magician states. You're all winners! I knew it! Thanks for a fun time together!"

Comes complete with instructions and Bingo cards ready to duplicate for your next audience.

1st edition 2019, 8 pages.
word count: 462 which is equivalent to 1 standard pages of text