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(1 review, 1 customer rating) ★★★★★

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23:23 by Dee Christopher

23:23 is a collection of Dee's latest works, the routines you will find within teach some truly essential methods and moves, the ideal introduction to mentalism, while at the same time adding new thoughts and layers to any seasoned mentalist's arsenal. It includes version one of "Altered" - the highly anticipated coin bend you can PHYSICALLY feel.

This is a collection Dee has kept to himself for a long time, despite many, many requests for release. You'll see why very soon...

Sylla-code: A unique 2 person code anyone can learn.

Morse: A spectator is mind-reader effect utilizing the Sylla-code principal.

Svengali Toss - Remastered: Thoughts on the classic Hoy effect, 3 spectators merely peek a card from the deck in their hands and with no moves you are able to reveal each one with pinpoint accuracy.

Altered - Version One: A marked coin is placed in the spectator's own hands where they physically feel it warp and bend.

Shift two: Taking the original Shift principal a giant leap forward. This is the same version you'll see Dee perform at all his close-up shows.

Turnover 23: The Evolution of the mexican turnover. This move allows you to lay down a DIFFERENT BACKED prediction on the table of a card they freely think of.

1st edition 2009; 23 pages.
word count: 5479 which is equivalent to 21 standard pages of text

Reviewed by Carlos La Borde
★★★★★   Date Added: Sunday 18 July, 2010

Turnover 23 is probably one of the most powerful effects I know of. Its better than KK or Bang On, and can literally be performed impromptu, with a a borrowed deck.

I mean, imagine borrowing a deck, placing your prediction card on the table, having your spectator name a card, and then flipping over your prediction to reveal the very card they thought of... Pure Power.

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Magic & Mentalism / Mentalism & Spiritism

Magic & Mentalism / Mentalism & Spiritism / Two Person Codes