The "Seven times Petrick" series was released in seven volumes, each with seven tricks covering a different subject, and each with a different color cover. This is the purple one.
- Lipstick Levitation: Selected card placed against the outside of the filled card box rises over the deck.
- Balloon Penny-Tration: Penetration of a penny into an empty, blown-up balloon.
- The Shrinking Card: A card is selected from a regular deck which transforms into a miniature deck. The selected card is replaced in the miniature deck only to transform into a random card.
- Strange Change: A card is selected, signed, and returned to the deck. A random card is folded in half longitudinally, reopened, and then displayed to the audience. This card is then visually transformed into the signed selection retaining the crease.
- Fail-Safe Bank Night: Bank night routine and method.
- The Voodoo Queen: A selected queen playing card is tortured by bending it in the middle. The deck is spread on the table to reveal three other creased cards which match the selected card.
- The Magic Mat: An indifferent card is waved over a close-up mat and then transforms into a selected card which may be thoroughly examined.
1st edition 1985, PDF 16 pages.
word count: 2443 which is equivalent to 9 standard pages of text