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A Magic Primer
by Frances Marshall

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A Magic Primer by Frances Marshall

There have been a number of 'introductions' to magic published, but we never felt they hit he right note. We have always felt the need of a first book for the newcomer - a primer, as it were. Frances Marshall has now put together a volume that will take the newness and strangeness out of the world of magic. With the aid of Jay Marshall, she has arranged a glossary of words and terms that are familiar to the initiated magician, but gibberish to the newcomer to our field. The ebook begins when laymen (young or old) discover magic. Maybe they see a TV spectacular, or a big magic show, or a friend fools them with a trick. They feel the urge to "do something about it." The Primer leads them, step by step into magic. It tells them what is inside the world of magic and how they can be part of it - the clubs, organizations, the many tricks, the future possible, options and possibilities are explained and discussed. There is good solid advice from professional Jay Marshall, to lead the newcomer in the right path. Then "The Language of Magic", in alphabetical arrangement, explained so it will never be foreign again.

Following that, the kinds and types of tricks are explained, leading to a "Program for a Little Stand Up Show," easy to do, routined, patter ideas given. Finally a very explicit section by Bob Miller, on "Magic, The Wonder-Full Hobby." All the facts that make magic an art are there. Plus, this section could form the basis for a superlative talk on magic suitable for any group, or for a media interview at any level. Last, a bibliography leads the reader into the world of magic books.

  • A Primer For The New Magician
  • Advice From Jay Marshall To The Beginner In Magic
  • The Language Of Magic
  • Bibliography
  • Explanation Of Various Kinds Of Tricks
    • An Introduction To Easy Platform Or Stage Magic With Audience Tested Routines
    • Putting Together A Little Show For Stage Or Platform
  • Magic, The Wonder Full Hobby
    • I. Philosophy
    • II. Buying Or Selecting Magic
    • III. Practicing, Perfecting
    • V. Presentation
    • VI. During The Show
    • VII. In Summary
  • Bibliography

PDF 47 pages.
word count: 14779 which is equivalent to 59 standard pages of text
